As the Groundramon began to vanish in a blaze of light, Yaksamon began to approach slowly. Twigs and moss crunched under their feet with each step. Boken still in hand, the masked eyes looked over the scene. Before they could act, however, the strands of blue code began to tear from the Hybrid's body, leaving Ai to settle on the ground as the data crumpled into their pocket, Medieval Dukemon looming behind them as before. "[color=00a99d]Ey, new kids,[/color]" they declared, passing a glance over the spirits and contracted present, "[color=00a99d]We should get going before things get hairy, yeah? We probably don't have long. Listen, I know a guy. He can catch you up on how this stuff works. Because I sure as hell aren't going to do it.[/color]" '[i][color=dc143c]Now is that completely necessary A-[/color][/i]' the spirit began. "[color=00a99d]Do [i]not[/i], say my name. I handle the people-talking, and you handle the monsters, yeah?[/color]" they folded their arms across their chest, "[color=00a99d]Not like I introduce you while you're talking,[/color]" Ai grumbled.