[h2]Sato and Sato[/h2] "Of course~" the demon said, winking at the girl, "What was it that gave it away? The cute tail? These beautiful features? Or~ are you some sort of incredible connoisseur of the derriere? Don't worry, you'll be able to get a nice long look at these amazing cheeks--" [i]"Lily."[/i] "--if we ever need to wear swimsuits." the demon finished, not skipping a beat and skipping away to finish her coffee. Obviously, her lack of formality extended to a poor separation between work and pleasure... although you couldn't really blame a foreign demon for having trouble finding opportune times to make friends. Even if it [i]was[/i] some schoolgirl and an amazing slab of muscle... although there was approximately zero change of ever getting to include [i]him[/i] in any fun. What a loss. If the brash demon's inability to feign politeness and [i]not[/i] listen in to a phone call bothered her, the woman said nothing, just nodding along to the instructions and then slipping the phone back into her pocket. "Boss told me to pick the team; I'll take the new hires with me. See how they work." Plus the beefy demon looked pretty capable in a fight... less so the tiny child, but finding out what she could really do was the [i]point.[/i] "Come on, I have a car just outside." Sure enough, she lead them immediately to a spotless-looking grey vehicle--a [i]very[/i] large-seeming SUV given the location they all lived in, but as modern and legal as any other car. Like most, Suzume seemed to have little interest in maintaining an old vehicle to the standards required for inspection... or perhaps her line of work just tended to damage them to the point it was infeasible. Naturally, Lily hopped in the front passenger seat, leaving the four of them to divide themselves amongst the other six seats available. Oddly, given the left-hand drive nature of the country, Lily was on the left. Once everyone was in, she turned to look back at them. "I don't care if you're an ancient youkai who wouldn't be scratched in a crash, use the seatbelt. Less trouble. And no eating in here." Sure enough, there wasn't a crumb to be seen on the interior. [@Zeroth][@VitaVitaAR][@RolePlayerRoxas]