[center][img]https://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/6/64/Tomasz_Jedruszek_Kings_Landing.jpg[/img][/center] [color=blue][center][h1]The Sea, The Keep & The Beginning[/h1][/center][/color][hr] A cool sea breeze blew in from the Narrow Sea pulling tendrils of red gold hair across the profile of a petite young woman. Her blue green eyes took in the sight of The Red Keep and Kings Landing. She wrinkled her nose at the thought of the smell of the city itself. They would not be there long. Perhaps a night and they would stay in the Red Keep itself. Many of the men had taken the opportunity to throw in and assist the crew to make things go faster. [color=LightBlue]“Jassy you will at least stay out of the sun. If not, you will look like a cooked lobster."[/color] A very pretty woman with deep auburn hair and golden green eyes with striking brows that were currently drawn together in worry. Moving back into the meager shadows cast by the afternoon sun playing across the deck and the lee of the steps up to the stern Jaslyn Arryn, known as Jassy to her family and close friends, looked back then up at her cousin Ysolde. Jaslyn hated that she was so tiny. It made people assume she was much younger than her twenty years. Sometimes she felt older than Arthyr, her older brother who was three and twenty. [color=LightSkyBlue][i]Ysolde is sure to catch a husband, she looks old enough. Unlike me I still look like I am but two and ten… mayhap four and ten if I am being generous.[/i][/color] [color=LightSkyBlue]“Yissy it is unlikely any [i]man[/i] will be looking at me. I look like a baby compared to you, or any other woman. No one will care."[/color] Jaslyn mused her voice heavy with irony. [color=CornflowerBlue]“You will care when you blister, daughter."[/color] Brighid Arryn intoned with just as much irony as her daughter. As the woman strode down the stairs from the stern her shadow fell over the two young ladies. [color=CornflowerBlue]“We will be pulling in soon and I want nothing to hinder getting a room with a bath. Sea water baths just do not wash as well as I like."[/color] The younger women agreed with vigorous nods as they went inside the captain’s cabin to await the ship pulling into the harbor at Kings Landing. The company of men scurried like ants when a nest is kicked after they’d secured the cog in the harbor. Jaslyn had charge of the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/50/23/cd/5023cd76af39b4335d222f29abf7029f.jpg]foal[/url] that was the gift to Prince Daeron as well as charge of the items that were to come with the spirited little stallion. He was one of the noblest lines of Vale Destriers, his sire being Donnel’s own [url=https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6199686e8e7d82745b6d193862cb0d52.webp]stallion[/url] and younger brother to the Heir of the Vale, Arthyr’s [url=https://www.dreamhorse.com/photos/sep/2193711-08.jpg]colt[/url] that he would be riding during the tournament. The boy was weaned and had a high spirit but was turning out to be a steady proud destier like his older brother and sire. As Jaslyn led him down he clattered noisily, surprisingly not skittish at the noise he made nor the noise of the harbor. Smiling at Ysolde who raised her eyebrows in surprise Jaslyn laughed softly. [color=LightSkyBlue]“I began conditioning him to noises made by men when he was still young. We wanted the Prince to have a steady companion even if he is never ridden in his life."[/color] Tipping her head Ysolde followed Jaslyn to a pace away from the ship and the men clamoring all over it and the harbor as Brighid directed without a raised voice. The woman was just listened to, not questioned for no one wanted the glare from the formidable redhead. Jaslyn took her looks from her mother but with a touch of her father’s golden hair tossed in to lighten it to an interesting rose gold rather than the auburn of her mother’s hair. The Braavosi Water Dancer pair swaggered off the ship. Father and son, [url=https://k.notrecinema.com/images/filmsp/le-bossu_15384_25293.jpg]Tybalt[/url] and [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yZUQjlfiyUo/UHbCxPTwFsI/AAAAAAAADHE/4Oy-8w1xJqg/s1600/guyfavoritecharacterpic.jpg]Bastian Forel[/url], had been with House Arryn for about twelve years now. Having traded Braavos for House Arryn the two never regretted it in the slightest. They were loyal to the power couple that had found them and offered them a position in the house to teach their children water dancing if they were so inclined. Tybalt recognised quickly that this position was a much better position than that of First Sword for he would likely live longer as would his young son. Bastian smirked as he caught sight of Jaslyn and Ysolde. Tybalt sighed and shook his head. [color=PaleTurquoise]“I tell you boy that way lies trouble."[/color] [color=Turquoise]“I have done nothing."[/color] Bastian countered innocently. Too innocently. [color=PaleTurquoise]“Yet. I warn you if you do I will personally make sure you can join the Unsullied."[/color] Tybalt hissed. [color=PaleTurquoise]“Lord and Lady Arryn are here to present Jassy and her cousin to the royal court and look for matches for them. You are not one boy."[/color] [color=Turquoise]“My heart goes out to the man that chooses to court his death."[/color] Bastian’s arrogance was obvious in those words as he looked at Jaslyn who had noticed them and smiled sweetly. Tybalt rubbed his temples. Jaslyn out of the three Arryn children showed the most promise and interest in water dancing. The petite girl was quick and ruthless with the blade. She had a way of looking into one’s soul and knowing what you were going to do before you did it. He loved the girl like a daughter and would have happily wed his son to her but he had not broached the subject due to his certainty that her parents were looking elsewhere. Her mother, Lady Arryn was not stupid and had seen that Jaslyn and Bastian had grown close recently. The closeness was not the closeness the girl had with her brothers. Had it been that then the [i]look[/i] and nod Brighid had given him a week before they set out for the tournament said it all. That woman could say more in a look than the most trained courtesan in all of Braavos and she was much more intimidating. The men fell into step with the young women as they attended the foal and their own palfreys [url=petmapz.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Buckskin-Horse.jpg]Gemma[/url], Ysolde’s mare and [url=https://www.horsebreedspictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Gray-Andalusian-Horse.jpg]Dusk[/url] which was Jaslyn’s gelding. Jaslyn was in favor of walking them to the stables in the Red Keep. River Row was busy and they decided to wait for [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f5/08/ed/f508ed93b730587404eac4131b418a70.jpg]Lonald Royce[/url] and a few of their guards that had come with. Catching up with them were [url=https://www.denofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/white_queen_4_33.jpg?fit=944%2C531]Lyndsay[/url], [url=https://flxt.tmsimg.com/assets/p9980097_n215082_cc_v9_aa.jpg]Khloe[/url], [url=http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36000000/Reign-TV-Show-image-reign-tv-show-36094335-514-713.png]Serah[/url] and [url=https://cdn.britannica.com/34/225034-050-FE02F215/British-actress-Janet-McTeer-2015.jpg]Septa Leynara[/url] along with just the people that they had been waiting on. The men easily parted the crowd as Brighid, Donnel and Arthyr came leading their horses as well. Few in the Arryn entourage did not lead at least one steed. [color=CornflowerBlue]“I understand the reasoning behind not wanting to ride until they have their legs under them Jassy but this would go much faster if we do not walk them."[/color] Brighid stated as she lead her stallion [url=https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-975156cfaa3434ce9fdbf7e59b9abd58-lq]Snowfall[/url]. The comment was more ironic because she had not saddled him nor did she want to do so. Knowing it was not a set down but merely the way her mother communicated for the guards to be on alert and that she expected them to be so, Jaslyn nodded as they continued up the River Row past inns, and houses of merchants and smallfolk alike. The incessant chirping that the ladies maids, whom Jaslyn referred to as the doves, made about who would be at the tournament and who would win and crown some lucky lady the queen of love and beauty was almost more than she could stand. Jaslyn, like her mother, wanted a bath and a bed that was not rocking. As the Arryns made their way up River Row to the Red Keep they had people make way for them. All in all the journey was a brief one. The animals were tended to and the entourage was taken up to the rooms in the Red Keep that they normally inhabited when staying there. Their visit was brief and hardly worth note as it was expected that they would spend some time within Kings Landing after the tournament. Crossing the Blackwater Rush in barges the Arryns set out for Summerhall… [hr] [center][img]https://ak.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/29882086/thumb/1.jpg[/img][/center][hr] At long last the troop of Arryns had arrived. They had not set a hard pace from Kings Landing, rather an easy one that was not hard on any of the entourage, including the foal that was a gift for the Prince’s Birthday. Granted it was sunset the day before the start of the tournament by the time they arrived at Summerhall. Brighid had decided that sleep was more important than hauling everyone in front of a young Prince who would likely be settling down for the night. She remembered when her children were the age the Prince was now. The tender age from infancy to wanting to be more independent and yet needing help. She smiled to herself absently as they were getting things together in their rooms at Summerhall. There was a splash of water and Brighid looked over with a raised eyebrow. Donnel had splashed himself with water from a basin. [color=CornflowerBlue]“How do you explain your current shenanigans?"[/color] Brighid questioned as Donnel sputtered. [color=CornflowerBlue]“Well, speak up."[/color] [color=DodgerBlue]“Someone set me on fire and I had to put myself out."[/color] Donnel replied. [color=CornflowerBlue]“I see and who put the torch to you?"[/color] Brighid asked, slightly amused. [color=DodgerBlue]“A sunbeam."[/color] He grinned with a wink. [color=CornflowerBlue]“A sunbeam?"[/color] She was doing a good job of keeping a straight face. [color=DodgerBlue]“A sunbeam disguised as a fairy queen. But you can not fool me, I know a sunbeam when I see one."[/color] Grinning Brighid moved closer. [color=CornflowerBlue]“That was very poetic, Donnel."[/color] Her eyes sparkled as she stalked him toward a bedroom that the servants had set a bath in. Backing away Donnel smirked and grabbed the pitcher of water. [color=DodgerBlue]“Don’t come too close or I’ll have to do it again."[/color] Brighid laughed and Donnel joined in as they left the rest of the entourage in the sitting rooms taking a bedroom. Shaking her head Jaslyn marveled at how her mother, a normally very stoic and serious woman, could turn into an excitable teenager at the sight of her father or the flirting that the two of them did. She supposed it was much like her closeness with Bastian, which they had not had a moment alone for over a week now. Her water dancing was improving slowly and she was frustrated because she felt like she was just about to where she might just be able to beat Bastian and then possibly Master Forel. Granted Bastian had almost kissed her. Or she thought he had almost kissed her. Perhaps she was wrong. He had avoided her or someone had been with them since the start of the journey. Sometimes she lifted her eyes and saw the heat there that seemed to melt her inside. Which she could not decide if it was exciting or not or just slightly frightening Moving to a bedroom the ladies in waiting and Septa Leynara all followed along and directed servants on where to put things. There was an attached room for the ladies and the Septa would take a room across the hall in the wing. The room was beautiful and Jaslyn was content enough to watch the twilight shadows fall over the gardens as she got ready for bed. She yawned as Lyndsay was pulling a brush through her hair. [color=Silver]“Almost done. Just a few more and we can braid it so that it will not tangle."[/color] Humming Jaslyn yawned again as Lyndsay’s quick fingers made short work of two thick braids tying them off with ribbons and tucking in Jaslyn who was practically asleep before her head hit the pillow. [hider=TLDR] [list] [*]Blackwater Bay intro to Jaslyn, Ysolde and Mama Arryn. [*]Off loading the ship with Prince Daeron’s present. [*]Bastian & Tybalt conversation about Jaslyn. [*]River Row and the Red Keep. [*]Traveling to Summerhall. [*]Mama and Daddy Arryn flirting. [*]Settling down in rooms in Summerhall.[/list] [/hider]