Fio would follow after Ting, definitely of the opinion that the Aron knew his way around town a lot better than she did. Even the street signs didn't exactly prove that helpful when you weren't exactly "literate", so she was glad she had Ting to guide. But thankfully, even if she couldn't read, Fio sure could count! And wow, those were some big numbers on the signs with the two circles around the line thingie that said "hey, its cheap!". It seemed Fio's fortune had come true and there was an abundance of food that needed to leave market TODAY. Of course, even with the good fortune of some discounts, it wasn't like they could really splurge or anything. At best, probably four berries, which would most likely last the non-plant members of the team a day's journey, while Fio was fine with her existing bottle of water. Still, she wanted to make sure she wasn't recklessly spending, and would consult Ting first. [color=9ACD32][b]"So...I think with our money pooled together, we can get you and Gale two Oran berries each...w-would that be enough?"[/b][/color] the grass-type asked, hoping that her friends wouldn't be upset with too little food. She knew how she felt when she didn't get enough sunshine. Fio also seemed a bit worried being in the market, looking over her shoulder on occasion, only to have a look of relief. ...Something might be bothering her...probably something to do with her "stuffed in sacks" schtick that she'd said during her introduction.