[center][color=#008b8b][h2]Fionn MacKerracher[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][@Raineh Daze] [hr] Fionn glanced up at the tiny flame hovering by Tyaethe's finger before it disappeared from existence. That was a trick that would've come in extremely useful a few times when he was younger, shortly after leaving home; before he'd made it to the river and joined up with the traders that travelled it regularly, there were some cold nights out in the woods, and he'd managed to lose his fire starter fairly early on. It was an odd thought, that he might have had the capability to get a flame going without the tools all along, just lacking the knowlege to do it. [color=#008b8b]"Not that it's a bad idea for them. Reserves more limited than yours, they probably need those books in a way you don't."[/color] Which he would as well, if he intended to make any actual progress with incorporating magical effects to any of his work. At least in a way that wouldn't kill him the first time he tried. He absent-mindedly finished off the last of his cake, setting the plate off to the side and letting his head lean back against the wall. Figuring out how to incorporate the magic in his combat skills—however much or little he might actually have available to use—would likely prove a fairly intensive undertaking. Rest of the summer, probably, given that he was approaching it from the position of a complete beginner; hopefully he wouldn't be too locked up in it once autumn came around, however. It might be difficult trying to fit it into his other plans. [color=#008b8b]"Do you think there'll be a good apple and pear harvest this year?"[/color]