Veronica allowed Finn to leave without stopping him. There were enough distractions in her vicinity that she didn't feel too pressed to look after him. [color=#bd71e8]"Careful!"[/color] was all she managed as the boy slipped into the darkness. [color=tomato]"Who's idea?"[/color] Oros raised an eyebrow at agent Leroux. [color=tomato]"Oh! You mean to make the Diver the way it is?"[/color] The cultist grinned. [color=tomato]"Have you thought about what makes a monster a monster, ma'am? They can look a lot like espers can't they?"[/color] With a chuckle, she pointed at Stacy. [color=tomato]"I mean is she a monster or an esper? You need to do more than look to know the answer. A monster is just a creature or person who has come here from another world. Behemoths as we call them are a bit different. The Diver in particular was the result of trying to shove a harp shaped object through a human shaped hole. An experiment. Everything is kind of bullshitty in the space between dimensions and weird things happen when people try to cross that barrier."[/color] She waved her hand at Veronica. [color=tomato]"Let Mrs magical scientist here figure it out. Why do you even care? You walked off to have a cute moment with Mika!"[/color] [color=#bd71e8]"Are you done talking to yourself?"[/color] Fritzi narrowed her brow. [color=tomato]"Yea, I guess the four of us should depart so that we can be part of our own cute scene, amiright fellas?"[/color] [color=#bd71e8]"Wonderful."[/color] Veronica turned to Samuel. [color=#bd71e8]"Seems they have everything under control, but I wouldn't care if you wanted to look after them. Alternatively, Finn should be watched. He looked exhausted, and I'm sure he's trying to confront Betty. I need to return and make sure Binky's alright. She should have called me already."[/color] And with that, Veronica stepped into the shadows and disappeared. [hr] Darkness. Finn could see nothing but darkness. The sky was pitch black, and lightning had destroyed the wiring for the apartment complex. A pistol and bandages were a great help if he needed to fight as a human, but it did little to assist him in these conditions. Eyes open, eyes shut, it all looked the same. The only way Finn could get around was by touch or sound. With a hand on the wall, he listened for anything and moved forward. The sound of a footstep? Furniture moving? A heartbeat? Nothing came to his ears. He might have been able to use his cellphone, but that only threw enough light to get spotted. Then sound and sensation came at once. His foot struck something while he took a step. Then with a click, his vision filled with a brilliant light that burned his eyes. A flashlight was shining on him. He had been spotted. [color=orange]”...Time Keeper?”[/color] Pac-A-Fist had never met Finn, but his relationship with Betty had become a legend on Shimr. He couldn't make out her body, but her voice was coming from the source of the light. [color=orange]”You're not here to fight, right?”[/color] It seemed that Finn had kicked over a fake plant. The decorations in some of these apartment complexes were weird.