[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T3SrujO.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=785b10]Event:[/color][/b] High Steaks: Introduction [b]|[/b] [b][color=785b10]Location:[/color][/b] Ersand'Enise[hr][hr][/center] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/AFndJJ8K23Q[/youtube][/center] [color=785b10][b]Location:[/b][/color] Notice Board, Grand Plaza of Ersand’Enise [color=785b10][b]Characters:[/b][/color] Zarina [@YummyYummy], Casii [@Pirouette], and Maura [@Ti]. As you arrive to the Notice board to see what is on display, you begin to notice a crowd gathered around a particular pamphlet. [hider=Notice Board][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fBMPWVT.png[/img][/center][/hider] [color=39b54a]“Marquis Blaise Beauregard? He is a famous gourmand. He wants to recruit from the Academy? This could make your career… you would be renowned across Sipentia! Opportunity of a lifetime.” [/color]The Perrench boy is just staring wide-mouthed at the pamphlet, probably drooling at the idea of all that yummy food. [color=f6989d]“Ughk… That monster. Have you been hearing all the rumours?”[/color], a Belzagg girl commented. Her friend shook her head. [color=f6989d]“He has captured a Snowsweeper. He is going to serve it up in a large banquet soon. It is rumoured that even Perrench Royalty will be attending.”[/color] The boy turned around, his eyes even wider than before. [color=39b54a]“SNOWSWEEPER STEAK?! WOW!”[/color]. If he was any closer to the pamphlet, he would be licking it to try to get at the rich succulent flavour. [color=39b54a]“It's taste is meant to even rival that of the Ambrosia of the gods!”[/color] The girls look towards him with a very disgusted expression. [color=f6989d]“It is barbaric. There are only three males left in the world. Serving one as a steak should be a crime.”[/color] An older boy comes, this one from Huulendam. [color=00aeef]“I heard this rumour as well. Perhaps whoever completes this job, will be the one to serve the steak, or even eat it? This is truly a prize beyond reckoning. A student serving the most expensive steak in the world. It was said the last time it was served, a single steak per head was around 40 magus each, and the creatures are huge. Imagine the riches involved…”[/color] The pamphlet gained even more attention, one in admiration, one thirsty for riches, and the other in condemnation and disgust at such a prospect. Maura was sitting there as she contemplated how she could get involved in this action. She hoped to bring Ayla in, she is a good cook, but she is currently in bed weary from the night before. It was at this moment she noticed Zarina, Ayla’s Virangish friend, and the cud chewing yasoi, Casii. She waves them down. [color=C0C0C0]“You don’t suppose either of you are qualified enough to be considered a butcher or a cook are you? Because that job is gleaming with opportunity”.[/color] Maura pointed to the pamphlet and gave them a moment to read through it. [color=C0C0C0]“If you do, then we have the skill, and my resources to exploit this for all it is worth. Want to partner up?”[/color] [center][hr][color=785b10][b]Action Opportunities[/b][/color][hr][/center] [i]Feel free to express your character's views and interact with some of the other NPC’s if you require further information. - There is a Perrench Gourmet food fanboy. He has a disturbing amount of passion when it comes to food. - There is the Huulendamn boy. He seems to have a keen ear to the ground when it comes to the rumours. Are the sources reliable? This sounds like a golden cash cow if it proves to be true. - There is the Belzagg girl and her friend. They are against the cruelty of animals, especially the reported Snowsweeper. We eat cattle all the time, so why would a Snowsweeper be any different, isn’t it just a large Eskandish cow? Upon agreement to group up, you will have Maura as your backer, assisting with getting the resources to get the job done. You will need to either play the part of butcher and cook. Whatever direction you decide to go, the first step is going to be the same. Your task is to go to the Au Boeuf Rouge and participate against other students from the academy in the hosted Food War, with the judge Marquis Blaise Beauregard over seeing the selection process. Do you have what it takes to be Sipenta's next MasterChef? [/i] [hr][hr]