[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220814/c5ba6361ddfa686af8da069b54d627e7.png[/img][/center] [color=A0A0A0]"A sword like this can be used with either one or two hands without too much difficulty. Since Sir Gerard does not use a shield, we'll focus on using two hands."[/color] Lucas was ecstatic when Fleuri agreed to his request, and he tried his best to be a good student, mirroring the knight as he was showed some proper longsword stances. Fleuri demonstrated his knowledge, explaining each strike and position in detail. Lucas tried to soak it up, nodding away, his eyebrows knitting together as if the learning was hurting his head. They went through each exercise in practice, Lucas trying to replicate the strikes from the right stances by attempting to strike his teacher. Of course, Fleuri easily fended off the blows, and pointed out any flaws in Lucas' form, at which point he would try again, to do it correctly. [i]<"Ha! An Amateur," Jeremiah's elite warrior goaded. "I'm gonna gut you like a fish boy!">[/i] [color=6ecff6][i]You have to get better lad,[/i][/color] Lucas thought to himself (in the voice of his father, which was a common occurence, of late, whenever he lectured himself) as he advanced on Fleuri. He closed distance, his feet shifting effortlessly underneath him, his balance perfect. Nonetheless, he couldn't land a hit on Fleuri. [color=6ecff6][i]You're gonna die out there if don't.[/i][/color] The two spent hours in the yard, going over a plethora of attacks and counterattacks, taking time repeat the fundamental ones over and over. Lucas' arms and shoulders burned with the work. It wasn't that the training was overly taxing, in of itself - the young man simply needed a proper rest was all. It had been a while, and Lucas didn't have the tireless endurance of his comrades. But he didn't slow in his efforts to follow Fleuri's instruction, nor did his concentration drop. [color=6ecff6]"Oh yeah,"[/color] was a verbal nod from Lucas as Fleuri demonstrated with a real sword, some of the capabilities and limitations of the double-edged longsword. The Flower was as good a teacher as any Lucas had trained under. Better even, Lucas reckoned. They did a few more drills with wooden swords before their training came to an end. [color=A0A0A0]"I think that's enough for now,"[/color] he concluded. Lucas rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck to one side. [color=A0A0A0]"I'd suggest practicing what I showed you, and in the future we'll spar to try and get it committed to reflex."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Will do,"[/color] Lucas replied eagerly. [color=6ecff6]"Thanks for this. I'll practice everyday. Twice a day."[/color] The two put away the practice weapons and Lucas decided if he wanted to go to bed early, he'd need to get a few drinks in him early too. And it was late enough in the day to get started. [color=6ecff6]"Hey, fancy a few drinks?"[/color] he asked the knight with a sidelong look as they walked across the yard. Then he quirked an eyebrow, realising that the man next to him was a devout follower of the church. [color=6ecff6]"[i]Do[/i] you drink?"[/color] he added, quickly. [color=6ecff6]"I was thinking of heading into the city. Get out the castle for a bit. Find a proper tavern."[/color] When Fleuri agreed, Lucas cheered and slapped him on the shoulder. [color=6ecff6]"Let's have it, then!"[/color] Lucas parted ways with the knight as he wanted to have a wash and change shirts. They met up right where they left eachother and went off into the city. They didn't have to go far. Out under the western gate they went, Lucas regaling Fleuri with a story about a time, a few years back, that Lucas' father, Harold, had taken him to his first tavern in this very city. [color=6ecff6]"[i]The Cracked Hoof,[/i] it's called,"[/color] Lucas said. [color=6ecff6]"Word was that a pissed up knight had ridden his horse right into the sign, ha! That's how it got it's name."[/color] When they got there, the sign was gone (as was the name,) but the tavern was still there, looking just as Lucas had remembered it. The volume of it's patrons was loud enough to be heard from outside as Lucas and Fleuri approached. That volume went up a few notches as Lucas pushed open the door, a smirk on his face as he surveyed the taproom and the rambunctious, boisterous atmosphere. As they wound through the tables and chairs towards the bar, Lucas spied some familiar faces. [color=6ecff6]"Lein! Sergio!"[/color] he remembered their names, but the formalities of honorifics had faded from memory, in the wake of a more common and familiar backdrop. [color=6ecff6]"Fancy seeing you here. I'll get the round in,"[/color] he added, nudging Fleuri with an elbow and then going to the bar. He came back with four tankards, two in each hand, and slid them onto the table before taking a seat. [color=6ecff6]"You been here all day?"[/color] he asked Lein and Sergio. He took a whiff of his ale, before gulping a large swig.