[color=f7941d][i][b][u]NOTE:[/u] To avoid some of the issues with my past RPs from repeating themselves, I want to say right out of the gate that my tolerance for poor writing, plotholes, and ignorance of established lore has diminished considerably in recent years. Because of that, I am only looking for co-writers who take their craft seriously, who proofread their posts to ensure there are no plotholes, and who respect what has already been established in previous posts. If you're not sure about something, feel free to PM me to double-check before you post, and if I do notice something that falls through the cracks and I ask you to make edits, please don't take it personally. [/b][/i][/color] This is an idea that just recently came to me. I haven't developed it very far yet, but figured I'd throw it out there just to see if there is any interest. At the beginning of the RP, the characters are just normal humans living in the forest town of Drachenvale, Oregon. Magical origin stories have been passed down for generations, telling of a wise and powerful sorcerer named Alistair Drachen who managed defeat Mephista the Dark Dragon Queen, trapping her soul in an amulet. He hid the artifact in a tomb deep underground in a small valley within the Cascade Mountains of Central Oregon, building the town of Drachenvale directly above it in 1858. This became the home of the Dragon Watch, a team of former monster hunters charged with guarding the amulet, which became known as the Vestige of Mephista. Now, in 2023, those old origin stories are considered myth and legend, but many of the descendants of the Dragon Watch still reside in Drachenvale, including our characters. In modern day, most forms of magic have fallen into dormancy, and virtually all of the great beasts of legend were hunted to extinction. Only a handful of people recall the Old Kingdoms, and they are mostly hermits or scholars in secret libraries. But that all changes when the town is hit with a major earthquake, which manages to slightly crack the seal on Mephista's Tomb. That night, her soul is partially awakened, and she reaches out into the sleeping minds of Drachenvale's residents. Seeking those who have enough dormant magical potential to be of use to her, she speaks to them in their dreams, taking the form of a young, beautiful angel. She imprints upon them a burning desire to locate her Tomb, and as if in a trance, her chosen Thralls from around the town make their way to the secret entrance in the dead of night. They enter her Tomb, break the amulet out of its cage, and they are each bathed in a different color light that grants them draconic powers. Just then, a stranger intervenes, and our characters are lifted from their trance, much to the fury of Mephista. They recognize him as Caveman Calbert, an old hermit who built a home into the side of a mountain and rarely ventures into town. Turns out he is the last surviving member of the Dragon Watch, which had stopped recruiting new members decades ago due to the magical bloodlines becoming too diluted to wield any power. Once it was just him left and he couldn't find anyone with magical potential to replace him, Calbert cast a powerful spell to bind his soul to an amulet of his own, making him immortal so long as his Vestige remained intact. So, Calbert is able to reseal Mephista's Tomb, but because she has marked our characters as Thralls, she can still plague their dreams. Calbert explains that the only way to combat her is to gain mastery over their new abilities so that they can eventually expel her from their minds. Thus, the training begins, all while trying to maintain the Secret Oath, an ancient promise to shield Unmagi from the whims of the Magi as much as possible. It doesn't help this effort, however, that one of the Thralls has fully succumbed to Mephista's dark influence and creates new monsters to unleash upon Drachenvale... So, anyone interested?