[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 7: 25/70 Word Count: ?? Location: The Under Points Gained: 527 NEW EXP balance--- Level 7: 26/70 [/center] [hr] Jesse glanced at Nadia and glared, good-naturedly. “Just don’t try to devour anybody and we’re square.” She rolled her shoulder and glanced around the cavern. [i]...Bad side, huh. It’d be funny if I was giving off sinister vibes. I mean what was I gonna do, bake the man-eating monster a birthday cake?[/i] Then some little guys came in. Just a couple of little guys. They shot a bunch of little pellets out, decrying the deaths of their demonstrably monstrous ‘friends’. Jesse suppressed a sympathy laugh. [i]They’re gonna pick on us?[/i] She asked, raising her eyebrows. Obviously they weren’t a threat. Curiously, Jesse turned her upper body and raised her arm, letting one hit her side. Basically nothing. They were so powerless, it was funny. Poor little guys. Sectonia immediately mind controlled them with that annoying Natash-whatever person that they killed a few days back. That earned a shrug from Jesse. [i]If it works, right?[/i] “Pick better friends.” Jesse advised them, and then continued onward. Lagging behind a little bit to observe the scenery and checking for teleporting interlopers, she nonetheless caught most of the early information and all of the important stuff. It seemed they had once again run into a new ally. He seemed vaguely ominous, but, then again, so did Jesse, apparently. He also reminded her of the Gerudos in Gerudo Town. “Alright, so. Three magic doodads into the magic key slots. Thanks…you.” She gave Ganondorf a thumbs up, not knowing his name. But given Nadia’s general demeanor and that she had met him first, she assumed everything was kosher. Also, the Knight seemed to be down, which was a good sign. Besides, where else would a giant monster be except behind a magically locked seal? Giant Black Egg. That’s where a giant monster would be. “Hey, you know what’d be funny?” Jesse unholstered her Tool Gun and pointed it at the Black Egg. “If I just No Collide this egg, we can-” Polaris shimmered with warning, causing Jesse to point her Tool Gun up and away. “Mmm. Mm–mm. Nope.” Jesse shook her head. “Polaris says no. I figured that’d be too easy, but we should really do this the right way.” Polaris shimmered around the edges of her vision again, imploring her to take the path to the Masks. “Let’s find what we need to find.” Jesse was prepared to go about this quest with somewhat of a detached approach. That she was just going to protect the Seekers. But with Polaris’ go-ahead, she was convinced the path suggested was the right one. [i]Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully you can show me what we need to know or do first.[/i] Polaris shimmered in agreement. Jesse wasn’t quite sure how Polaris perceived the world, but she knew at the very least, how to ward off corruptive Resonances. “So, where to first?” Jesse said, looking to pick a direction and go. Whatever way they hadn’t gone yet. “If there’s Three Masks…well, it’d be nice if they were all in a convenient, straight line. We could grab them up in one go and then bring them back all at once. Guess we’ll just have to see.”