... Had she done something wrong? Her intention was to further their cause. By taking this Fomorian, physically unimposing as she was, as a prisoner. Surely, the information they could learn from her would be valuable, wouldn't it? And yet the Queen's reaction... Not that Fio cared if the Queen was angry at her or anything like that! Far from it! Besides, her nature still wasn't completely confirmed! And... Fio clutched her fists at her sides, taking a deep breath. What's done was done. She had already come this far and taken this prisoner back, there was no backtracking simply because of Sorcha's reaction. Besides, she had preparations to make. The most concise manner of reaching her goal involved water. While the stars could also be of assistance, and would have been her preferred method, given the prisoner's position in a tightly-sealed dungeon it was far easier to get water down there then starlight. Then she had to spend some time purifying it, ensuring its quality was high enough for what she intended. Then it was a matter of getting some assistance to bring a huge, shallow container of purified water down into the dungeon. She obviously had no way of doing it on her own, after all. This wasn't even halfway through. Next came the chalk. First, the circles around the prisoner. Carefully, carefully drawing them out, taking advantage of the fact the Fomorian was so restrained she couldn't move to construct her elaborate ritual symbol. Then, the same process once again, this time surrounding the water. Needless to say, she was thankful this type of chalk was resistant to liquids. This process was dangerous. But it also meant that lying was virtually impossible. Their prisoner would have no ability to hide the truth from her. Navigating to find said truth, on the other hand, would be somewhat more difficult. Next was what she had to do to prepare [i]herself[/i]. The cursed nature of a fomorian made this process dangerous. But counteracting that curse before it even had an opportunity to potentially affect her would be the ideal countermeasure. As such, Fio's next path was to remove all her clothing but her undergarments(demanding no-one enter the room once she had) and painting purification sigils directly onto her skin. Using a mirror, she painted them everywhere she could manage. Her arms, her legs, her belly... the only place she couldn't reach effectively was her back. Her belly especially tickled, but she managed to keep herself under control. Then she had to let it dry, as to ensure the water wouldn't wash it away. Now for the final step. The petite witch stood beside the water. She glanced at the heavily-restrained prisoner, then took a deep breath. "[i]Sura[/i]." The blade materialized in the air above her head, floating and glowing with blue light. "Oh deep pool, may I sink into the memories of another. May I be immersed in past thoughts, past feelings. May I see the truth that lies in what I have never seen. But she has." The light from the blade began to shed, falling into the water below, imbuing it with a similar glow... "... Submerge." With that, she stepped into the water, lowering herself until she lay down, feeling its coolness against her skin... She had taken every measure she possibly could, but she still had to be careful. Fio would see everything she possibly could within the Fomorian's memories. [@Rune_Alchemist]