[center][hider=Amelia Pendragon] [h1][color=a187be]Amelia Pendragon[/color][/h1] [img]https://preview.redd.it/lhdxe4mvsg271.jpg?auto=webp&s=3e0231e873ff878bc627b8e214aa9a205a2f5933[/img] [color=a187be]Age:[/color] 13 [color=a187be]Birthday[/color]: 5/14 [color=a187be]Magic[/color]: [h1][color=662d91]Necromancy Magic[/color][/h1] A magic Amelia learned from her parents before and after their passing, this is a magic that many fear due to its nature. True to the rumors that surround it, Amelia is able to bring out skeletons and corpses to serve as servants and perform a variety of functions from scouting to guarding her in combat. The only limitation to this is the availability of the dead in her area. While the dead do no need to be right next to her or even in arms reach, there need skeletons and corpses within a certain range in order for her to do so. On top of raising the dead, Amelia is also able to use souls as a form of energy-based attacks and defenses. Unlike raising the dead, this does not need nearby as she seems to pull souls from the beyond to form her constructs. These can range from explosive balls of energy to walls to spectral weapons. Despite being made of souls, these attacks still react as if they were physical objects, meaning physical barriers can be used to block these attacks. [color=a187be]Magic Level:[/color] B [color=a187be]History:[/color] Amelia Artemia Pendragon, born Amelia Artemia Averyonna, was the only daughter of a couple of mages who had lived in Pergrande before the great immigration ten years ago. The couple had fled from Fiore ears prior and were laying low near the near a remote village a short distance away from the town of Rembrandt. The couple had fled there years ago due to their magic being seen as evil even in their former home country and all they desired was to practice their craft in peace. While living in Pergrande, the couple had a single child, this being Amelia. From an early age, Amelia was shown to be talented in the necromantic arts. She displayed the ability to see spirits of the dead at the young age of three and was quickly able to pick up the art of raising small corpses by the age of five. Sadly for the young girl, her parents loved to experiment and during one of the adventures into furthering the necromantic arts, they brought forth something they could not control. Knowing that what they had brought forth was too dangerous to let loose and a threat to not only themselves but their daughter and all living things in the area, the two mages gave their lives to take down their creation after sending their daughter away, leaving the girl an orphan in the middle of the woods. Thankfully for the young child, the spirits of her parents stuck around and helped her survive in the wild for a year before she was finally found while using some bird skeletons to help her forage for food. Sadly, for her it was a few hunters from the nearby village and, understandably afraid, they quickly captured the girl and took her to the village, where she was locked in a cage in the center of town. As the village wasn't very knowledgeable on magic, the mayor went and fetched a mage who lived nearby to see if they could deal with the captured 'creature'. The mage was Damian Pendragon and upon seeing the creature, who the villagers taunted, jeered, and pelted with whatever they could find to throw at the young girl, he understood the situation and quickly managed to get the guards of the town to get her out of the cage so he could take her to his home. While he might not have planned to do so initially, Damian ended up adopting the young Amelia and raised her as his own daughter. While word spread of the girl he had adopted and the magic she possessed did cause him some trouble in finding jobs from time to time, Amelia has grown up well under Damian's watch and has lived a largely peaceful and happy life while also practicing and growing stronger in her magic. [color=a187be]Personality[/color]: Amelia is a shy, kind, and gentle young girl, pretty much the opposite of what most might expect from a necromancer. When talking to people she is not familiar with or uncomfortable around, she tends to speak in a low tone and be unable to make eye contact with the person she is speaking to, due to her inherent shyness as well as her lack of experience when talking to strangers. Despite her shyness though, Amelia is always willing to lend a hand to those she considers comrades, friends, or family and will do whatever she can to see their endeavors succeed. That being said, she gets easily frustrated when she promises to help and finds herself unable to do so, since she hates not being able to keep her word. She also hates it when things don't go well for those she cares about, especially when she knows that being associated with her can cause them to lose out when those giving out the jobs know of her and her magic, something that has happened with her adopted father in the past. While Amelia is generally a pacifist and has no desire to be involved in or start a fight, she will not hesitate to take up arms to defend her family and friends. When properly motivated, usually by anger, Amelia becomes a calm, collected, and intelligent fighter. She is fond of testing launching smaller attacks at the enemy first, to see their reactions and test out their defenses. Once she has a solid grasp on their abilities, she will change tactics as needed or sometimes just aim to overwhelm when with multiple undead if it seems that nothing else will work. A few other facts about Amelia are that she loves sweets, books, drawing, and her family's pet dire wolves. She loathes unnecessary violence, people who talk down on her family and friends, and those who judge others without getting to know those they are judging first. [color=a187be]Guild and guild mark location:[/color] None (yet) [color=a187be]Team Members:[/color] None [color=a187be]Three Strengths:[/color] 1. Magic allows her to attack in a variety of ways and utilize stall tactics to buy time until others arrive, or she can get away if she cannot win the fight. 2. Outside of combat, Amelia can use her undead to scout the area or reach places that she herself cannot by using their own physiology. 3. Amelia also possesses the ability to see the spirits of the dead, letting her gain information that otherwise is not available or would normally be lost. [color=a187be]Three Weaknesses[/color]: 1. Amelia's magic take a lot of energy and she does not have the means to stay in a fight for very long. 2. Without there being any corpses in the ground, Amelia cannot raise any dead, as she has not mastered how to raise spectral undead yet. 3. While her summons can be strong, Amelia herself is not the most physically fit and will not last long if she has to move a lot Additional Details [/hider][/center]