The QV fleet was initially composed of one enormous, amorphous, slightly translucent floating blob in space. Their ships were essentially heavily armed and armoured versions of their individual mobility suits, with large engines and shields. The component parts could split off and rejoin the mothership at will. Each ship was girded with an elegant superstructure of blackened alloy, in which some of the most critical elements could be protected. When the whole thing was put together, the insides looked like a bafflingly complex and ancient coral reef. It was always difficult to get a full count of their fleet, but previous intelligence indicated that a mothership contained three large battleships that shared the superstructure's devastating main gun, along with dozens of destroyers and potentially hundreds of fighters. The Tindrel fleet’s capital ship was built into an actual asteroid. As a species they were keen space-excavators, and used the hollowed out husks of the best specimens as a tour de force of their navy. The remnants of this particular planetoid presented as a giant semi-sphere of craggy rock about 10 miles wide. It was pockmarked with sensory stations and armaments and the Tindrel had painted a scary Tindrel face across it. Protruding out from the hollow insides was a bright double helix structure which housed the engines, shield generators, hangar bays and almost an entire city of support staff. Docked on this double helix were dozens of frigates and hundreds of fighters.