[h3]Polina Laye[/h3][i]Farisian Maid[/i] [hr] It seemed like the demon took great offense that Polina had managed to scratch her. Really, what a poor sport of a demon it was. Wouldn’t a self-respecting powerful evil being respect an opponent that could actually land a good hit on its own self? The maid thought the creature was a petulant sore loser, but Polina didn’t think it was a particularly prudent move to judge the cute beast in public when it was already pissed off. Oh, there was merit in pissing off opponents further to make them slip up, but as a good professor from her courses always said, there was a time and place for everything. The Farisian maid braced for contact, forming up her cobblestone shielding as tightly as she could… until she noticed the… flying tank aimed right for her position. Had Polina been a less composed maid, she would have uttered the very same obscenities as the cute demon had, but she certainly mirrored the creature’s words in her thoughts. Instead, she immediately pulled back, effectively throwing herself out of harm’s way as she crashed to the side, somewhat less gracefully than she had intended. It was still passable, considering that she hadn’t been turned into maid-paste by a flying Kyrsan tank. Polina quickly recovered, springing up on her feet and dusting her now slightly soiled dress with a brush of her white apron. Her eyes flitted over, searching for the demon and the tank, raising an eyebrow upon seeing the demon in a rather compromised position, with the Kyrsan maid, amusingly, fruitlessly searching for and failing to find the threat right beneath her. She decided to respond by arching an eyebrow and firing her wall of cobblestones in a single large fusillade at the pinned demon. Two others had already pointed out the issue, after all.