Zolya watched with curiosity as Archer lit up the array, never hurt to observe how others weave their magic into the physical. The effect of the array were quite... Interesting. Using an array to reduce the signature by forcefully mixing the haze with the surrounding mana, hiding like water in the air. That was probably also what allowed him to go around unnoticed. The keychain on the other hand was quite shoddy, no doubt a temporary fix for the haze problem. It was however properly attuned to her signature... Which wasn't a small feat. The potential revelation was followed by a revelation of another kind from Yue, who after years of being in the dark had that same crumbling of the reality around her happening that Zolya herself had experienced an odd 20 years ago. A quite hard to swallow pill, but with the way things were it was bound to happen one day. [color=#018c3b][b]"I can understand wanting her to live free of those perils and we don't blame you, but if I hadn't been there to stand in between her and the entities that have expressed a direct interest in her. She would have gotten the talk from a real shady organisation before the sun even had set. Regardless of philosophy that isn't a sustainable situation if you need to keep them within reach 24/7."[/b][/color] She retorted staying calm and mild mannered wanting to keep the organisations clashing philosophies out of the practical debate and more importantly wanting to keep things easy on Yue, or at least as easy as it was gonna be. He then offered to make things even easier for Yue by taking it upon himself to do the explanations himself, suggesting they find themselves a comfortable spot to speak. On Raudd side things weren't going too well, Jemma seemed to be having an increasingly hard time foccussing and he doubted that Archer stepping into the comfort zone of someone already in a defensive stance was going to improve things and of course he had to pull more of his patented magical bullshit. And indeed she had jumped back and hissed as a result of the rather inconsiderate actions, Raudd felt the entropy surrounding her rise as she got pushed more into a confused and panicked state after Archer dropped that name, before looking on as she fled without taking either card. [color=#0050ff][b]"Zolya?"[/b][/color] [color=#018c3b][b]"On it."[/b][/color] Her reply followed by a few of the ravens flying up and keeping an eye on Jemma by extending their patrol area fluidly to any desolate area she might escape to. [color=#0050ff][b]"Well anyways, I think most decent and discreet places to have your chat have closed for the night. Unless you're gonna teleport back into the tower, the best places are either at Zolya's or my place (I guess mine would be less distracting), as a bonus we have guest rooms you can crash in for the night."[/b][/color] Raudd said as he picked his card back up making sure not to touch the card Archer had pulled out of his pocket. [color=#018c3b][b]"Oh, and here a little present."[/b][/color] Zolya quickly grabbed the medallion out of her cloak holding it out to Yue. [color=#018c3b][b]"It's a bit of a rushed job, but this should help with the crimson problem, and it was designed with your powers in mind so it should be quite resilient to damage."[/b][/color] She explained keeping most of the information at bay leaving that for Archer to explain.