[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=cc33ff]Guin Stark[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/R0DGpSD.png?1[/img][hr][b][color=cc33ff]Location:[/color][/b] Woods (Mary's Group) [b][color=cc33ff]Skills:[/color][/b] Telepathy, Agility, Unarmed Combat [hr][hr][/center] [i][color=cc33ff]Have you found anything yet? We're getting our asses kicked here - literally,[/color][/i] Guin whispered telepathically to Pietro. Things were not going well. Exodus and Guin's counterpart, Haze, were telepathically assaulting their minds. Quicksilver was being an asshole. Exodus had thrown them all back, sending Guin flying into a tree. Mary seemed to have lost control and was ripping up the trees around them. And then Annie's counterpart, Mystery, was sashaying towards her, having cut Guin off from her allies by an immediately [i]very aesthetic[/i] wall of fireworks. [color=cc33ff]"Uh, wow. Very hot - literally. And creepy. Honestly didn't know Annie had it in her,"[/color] Guin quipped. She was a naturally quippy person, but she also was at a disadvantage here, as she was on the ground. She tried to kick Mystery in the jaw from her position on the ground against the tree, but she missed, her leg not extending far enough. Quickly improvising, Guin instead swept Mystery's legs out from underneath her, sending her fabulous foe crashing to the ground. [color=cc33ff]"What is your deal though? I'm kinda curious now. What's your evil backstory?"[/color] She then concentrated on the telepathic onslaught Exodus and Haze were unleashing, projecting a telepathic shield for her group. It was dampening the worst of it, which was really the best that Guin could do, especially as she was still actively fighting against evil Annie for her life. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=cc33ff]Lavender Haze[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://2paragraphs.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/BEST-WILLA-620x375.jpg[/img][hr][b][color=cc33ff]Location:[/color][/b] Woods (Mary's group) [b][color=cc33ff]Skills:[/color][/b] Telepathy [hr][hr][/center] Haze's lips briefly twitched into a smile at Mystery's thanks, a motion so brief that most people would've missed it. She was amused with Mystery's theatrics, finding the pyrotechnic wall rather beautiful. The girl that looked like her - Guin Stark - wasn't putting up much of a telepathic struggle. Haze wordlessly communicated with Exodus that she was going to refocus her efforts on the strong one, just giving him a single glance. Clearly, they didn't need both of them telepathically attacking this group. Either of them could have done this in their sleep. At first, Haze went with a rather simple attack - she focused on the ginger one, attempting to pull her into one of her own worst memories. Yet nothing happened. Haze tilted her head, deciding on an alternative approach. She would convince the girl that her friends were her foes and that they, her foes, were her very best friends. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#a81a75]Runa Baldurdattir[/color] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/52Nr16y2/original.gif[/img][/b][/h3][hr][b][color=#a81a75]Location:[/color][/b] the Woods (Runa's group) [b][color=#a81a75]Skills:[/color][/b] Darkness Manipulation, Staff Combat [hr][hr][/center] Things were hardly going well here either. Klara had broken free from Runa's restraints, and clearly seemed to recognize her, building up the uneasy feeling in Runa's stomach. Yes, it was very possible that in this world, she had made her cousin an identical circlet. But she could hardly contemplate the uncanniness of it all before Gambit, the rake, threw a card that exploded in her face. [color=#a81a75]"Arghh,"[/color] Runa complained, spitting a little bit of blood out of her mouth, not really injured at all thanks to being a goddess, but she was annoyed. [color=#a81a75]"I will deal with you next, scoundrel,"[/color] she promised. Runa briefly took a moment to focus on Betheny's lie, using her subtle dominion over lies to make it more believable. She needed to focus on the sorcerer though, as he was pelting them above with blasts of energy, some of which had hit Runa. She gritted her teeth in annoyance. Couldn't these people respect the rules of combat and go one at a time? Where was the civility in this warfare? [color=#a81a75]"Edus, if you had wanted my undivided attention, all you needed to do was simply ask,"[/color] Runa said. She sent a rush of darkness at him, forcing the darkness into his mouth, causing him to suffocate and choke. If he died, she didn't care. But truthfully, all she wanted to do was take his magic off the board. Runa then swung at Edus with Gandr, attempting to hit him in the head with her staff, but - luckily for him - she missed.