Annoyed that the enemy forces seemed ballsy enough, or desperate enough, she wasn't sure which, to impede her friends path she decided to absolutely ruin one guy's day if she could. From her position behind the archer line she cast a quick hex on an enemy blocking Jormund and Cascade's exit. She then pelted the individual with an eldritch blast. [color=bc8dbf]"Wow you guys really need that many people to take down a measly 2. Not to mention you already failed at stopping us from sounding the alarm...Honestly that's just sad. Do better. Or better yet why don't you turn tail and run like the cowards you truely are."[/color] She yelled across the feild in Primordial, taunting the enemy in a similar way to Jormund. [hr] Bonus action-casted Hex an enemy blocking the path of her friend's exit. Giving them disadvantage on ability checks using Wisdom Action-Eldtrich blast for a [url=]7[/url] Using my insportaion to reroll that attack for a much better [url=]23[/url]. The enemy takes a spicy [url=]9[/url] force damage as well as [color=fff79a]2[/color] thunder damage from Genie's wrath and [url=]5[/url] necrotic damage from being hit while Hexed.