[i]the Lakeshore...[/i] Lorna sighed, fidgeting slightly at the assessment that they'd have to leave Kitty alone. She really hated leaving things like this. It was gnawing away at her from the inside, making her feel uncomfortable and stressed. Lorna never really did do well when she felt her friends were angry with her - she wanted to resolve the problem as soon as she could, just go ahead and rip off the bandaid. Leaving things be for a little while, even though she logically knew was the healthy choice, threatened to drive her insane. [color=fdc68a]"Urghh, you're probably right... Maybe the fish are being better friends to her,"[/color] she mumbled, feeling a bit ashamed still. She glanced towards the craft building, spotting her siblings and other residents of Cabin Eleven heading on inside. She was going to be late if she didn't sprint on over there. But Lorna didn't care. It wasn't like the kitchen harpies would pop up and eat her if she didn't make it to arts & crafts on time. Then, Kitty's head surfaced and Lorna's heart did a backflip. She had hardly processed Kitty's words before a word avalanche of its own fell from Lorna's lips. [color=fdc68a]"Are you sure? Because we are really sorry - it was stupid of us and it hurt you and, like, if you want to punch me in the face then that is totally okay. Or slap me or whatever. Your business with Luke is your business and we shouldn't have said anything about it. Like you're great, he's great, everyone's... great."[/color] Lorna had no idea where she was going with this anymore, looking at Kitty somewhat anxiously. [color=fdc68a]"So so so so.... great."[/color]