[quote=@kitramos] I understand about wanting to avoid transphobia, and really I wouldn't be going in that direction either that was not my idea at all. it certainly did react to an inner desire to be one. I did want it to be a surprise to both of them a pleasant one but a surprise none the less. like that one ticket you bought just so happened to have the winning numbers. a big surprise but a good one. so he may of given it some thought but maybe was to discouraged to think to much on it and hasn't really said much about it to his friend. so can still that that wtf moment, but also be like ooh I just got a free upgrade. I think he's also going to have some culture shock moments both good and bad. though again he's still going to consider the change a good thing over all. does that make sense? [/quote] But if she has felt that she should be a woman deep down, then the sudden change is almost like forcing her to come out of the closet before she is ready, which could be horribly traumatizing. It could also be incredibly triggering to anyone reading along who happens to be transgender. I think this particular route you're going for may be better off left alone. If we're including a transgender character for diversity and representation, that's one thing, but this feels too much like a gimmick that is in bad taste. I hope you can understand.