More or less dazed, Quinn sat back and started eating. It was only then that she realized that she was genuinely very, very hungry. Sims always brought out the appetite in her somehow. Deelie had made a good choice with the chicken. She didn't quite know where all that had come from, from what corner of her it had emerged. But it had felt...good. And it felt better knowing that her sister was...she was [i]proud[/i] of her. Pride had always been a bit of an unknown quantity to Quinn. She didn't really understand where it came from when it hit her; it would just pop up out of nowhere and blindside. And she understood it just as little, maybe even less, when someone else levied it to her. She didn't really get it, and she didn't know if she ever would. But that didn't stop that little warm glow in her chest when she made Dahlia so proud she cried. "[color=ffe63d]Lil' light, huh,[/color]" she mused to herself before snapping out of her reverie. "[color=ffe63d]Well...there was one thing.[/color]" The faint hint of a smile about the corners of her mouth flickered out. And just like that, she was [i]upset[/i] again. "[color=ffe63d]You said she wanted to...get to know me, right?[/color]" She hesitated. She didn't [i]really[/i] want to bring it up, especially since she'd made Deelie so happy, and she didn't want to think much more about it to begin with, especially not now. But it [i]had[/i] come to mind a few minutes back when she was thinking about what she'd be asked. Her eye twitched at the end in a way that it hadn't for quite a while, and her voice dropped to a hoarse whisper. "[color=ffe63d]...Will she ask about...about [i]them?[/i][/color]"