[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QbQhEiV.png?2[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/984601908423573504/984611003390115860/Kol_enraged.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][h1][color=crimson][u]Wrath[/u][/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [color=crimson]Mentions/Interaction:[/color] Arne'altan'jaros, The Skygge [@Force and Fury], and Vali [@Wolfieh] [hr] The fighting was intense with the Havetskriger was fierce, they had lost 15 of the 30 foot men who had helped the these 4 great heroes. However after the fighting they were able to beat the creature down to a state where they were able to restrain it once more. Yet their work was not done, taking down and restraining the beast was but the first of the crisis, now came the many raiders, bandits, and sea folk whom seemed to have came to take from them. Kol's face was stern, his anger was something immense, he drew in energy as he stepped forward and barked, no, roared. Each step was heavy as he called those around him and nearby as he carries his voice with gift, [color=crimson]"These Greenlanders have came from the pits of hell and brought its fires with them!"[/color] As Kol roared out to those abled men who ran, he knew this was not something they could do with just the army. They needed every abled person to push back against the fires and raiders, [color=crimson]"Why do you run? This is our home, they come to burn our home! Bring water! Bear fangs! They come to burn us! Let their fires burn our hearts, we are not a people to cower!"[/color] Kol throws his hands out to each side and begins to fill those around him with Essence Magic, he roars once more, [color=crimson]"Now, we save our home from these invaders! Send these Hellraisers back to where they belong! Quell the fires with the cleansing waters of our home!"[/color] Kol turned to those behind him he then ordered, [color=crimson]"Arne, you must go to the Grontempel, there are fires the must be put out and pillagers who must be coming from there"[/color]. Kol then looked to Vali and the Skygge as he said, [color=crimson]"You both go to the docks. My Brother, you will need to grab as many people as you can and must go quickly, for them to leave they must leave by ship. Make sure to clear the Market place as you can as you go and leave others to finish there while you go to stop them from leaving"[/color]. As Kol looked to Then finally Kol said, [color=crimson]"We must leave now, I will go to the Kongesalan. There are raiders and fires there that must be put out before they b-"[/color]. Yet before Kol could finish what he was saying his head began to turn as they all bore witness to the Great Tree being touched with fire. Kol spoke as his feet began to move towards it, [color=crimson]"We must go"[/color]. As Kol roared once more to all who were looking, [color=crimson]"GO! Our city shall burn if we do not! Go to where you were told!"[/color] As Kol began to draw energies from the fires and began to enhance himself to leap and move through the city. As Kol drew from the energies from fires, he tried to put some out as he moved, assisting by giving others Essence Magic, and using Arcane to draw in the heat and flames quickly to continue moving. Anytime Kol came across a raider, pillager, or Hellraiser he took their heads without mercy and without resistance. Kol, Deaths Hand had arrived, and all in his way had Hell to Pay.