Sir Renar hadn't done more then an exaggerated, half-joking cough. The Knight-Captain had to be made of stern stuff. Thus, she couldn't let the spice keep getting to her. Fanilly took another deep breath, attempting to close out the lingering burning sensation as best she could. She hadn't spoken up in time to prevent Sir Renar from falling victim to the prank pastries, but at the same time she didn't seem to have needed to. Coughing slightly in a bid to clear the spice again, she took a deep breath. By no means could the Knight-Captain go around distributing these spicy pastries. It just wasn't appropriate! On the note of the prior mission, however, the petite blonde's mood sobered once more. The spice was fading, and even if it hadn't it couldn't serve as an effective distraction from the matter any longer. "The Bandit King is dead, but none of our number should have fallen," she responded, "Sir Rickert should have been standing among us today." She had to perform better next time. She had to. [@Psyker Landshark][@Rune_Alchemist]