I will also, if LJ approves, begin work on writing out the Omestris history today since both Motya and The Red Seminary foundations were built around that culture. It is going to be a lazy Saturday for me since I am trying to overcome about 26 hours of collective jet lag. LJ I'll start a private convo with you here soon and so that I can keep any ideas you had for the Omestris and send the stuff I write to you for approval. Scout, you are just expressing a bit of what we all feel, not really whining. I know I wish all of the original cast would have stayed but at this point I think a bit of change is what is needed to ramp us all back up into the story again and Zeph's point about LJ's screening process is, like you said, a good compromise. Someone may even bring in a character that meshes well with Kass's story. I am hopeful that good times are ahead.