[b]GM Post:[/b] [center][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6066/27432b524176d08926ce57de0476966a63834a27_00.jpg[/img][/center] The battle raged above the sieged city of Arcadia as the Ceaseless Endeavour moved into position for the attack. Then just as weapon systems became hot. Time froze for everyone except those aboard the Arcadia. As a man in a white woolen sweater appeared on the bridge. Daniel opened his mind to create a telepathic link with the members of the bridge crew. "I will be brief. My name is Daniel Jackson and I come seeking your help. A foe from my Universe has breached another, I fear if they aren't stopped they could threaten all realities. I cannot interfere directly without the others of my kind stepping in to stop me, but I can't let countless billions and trillions face death. I can't hold time that much longer here, I will gift you the knowledge of my foe and what little I know off the universe they have invaded. Should you choose to accept just think so, and I'll transport you. I'll hold time the best I can until then. Thankyou." Just as quickly as he appeared, he disappeared. Leaving them knowledge in what the Replicators were, and the basic knowledge of Coruscant, the Republic and the Separatist Alliance. Time remained frozen, the ship stuck in a small stasis field off its own. [hr] In another universe, in another time. Daniel appeared alongside the Autobots and the arc. Dwarfed by their stature and size. He waved a hand very casually in order to gain their attention, before addressing the leader. "Greetings Optimus Prime. My name is Daniel Jackson, and I come seeking your help." [hr] As the communication came through from the ship identified as the [i]Vengeful Spirit[/i] there was a flurry of activity throughout the fleet. All their attention had been focused downwards, they hadn't even noticed new arrival to the system. The sheer size of it sent shivers of shock through the fleet as officers reported to their superiors. Even Palpatines attention was drawn to it but for a moment, before his sneer was cast back towards the planet below. Admiral [url=https://clonewars.fandom.com/wiki/Shoan_Kilian]Shoan Killians[/url] Venator drew closer, flanked by two sister ships. "Open a return channel." "It's ready sir." "This is Admiral Kilian of the Republic Vessel [i]Exodus[/i], state your name and purpose in this system."