[center] Eastwatch-By-The-Sea [img]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/kingsguard_5.PNG[/img][/center] [color=Black]House Description:[/color] The eastern most castle along The Wall; from here The Nights Watch keeps a small fleet of galleys and lean fighting vessels to patrol for Wildlings and smugglers trading weapons across the wall. It also serves as a port for the Night’s Watch with traders from the south, across the narrow sea and even beyond the wall bringing their wares here. [color=Black]Recent History:[/color] News reaches Eastwatch from ships across the world, but it’s eyes are ever pointed northwards. Wildlings are like to grow more desperate as winter approaches and thus more dangerous and there are whispers of a Raymun Redbeard calling himself The King Beyond The Wall. But there are always such rumours and for now they remain just that. In truth life at Eastwatch has been quieter these past few years, the role of it’s commander often shifting more to mercantile and acquiring goods for the watch. [color=Black]Members:[/color] [hider=Commander Myros Sand] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/F4Q4G4R/Myros.jpg[/img][/center] Age: 63 (born 139AC) As a bastard born to a third son of House Blackmont, Myros was never meant for much beyond perhaps the life of low-knight. But as it so happened this was to be the hour for hedge-knights and sellswords in Dorne. Done had bent the knee to the Young Dragon in 158AC after a gruelling war of conquest. Loyalty was ensured through hostage taking leaving the nobles with little recourse against their new Targyen overlords, instead rebellion came from the smallfolk. Myors was only twenty years old, but having recently lost his father in the war of conquest (though having only rarely seen the man) was filled with the kind of anger, idealism and fervent nationalism that comes only to young men. There was rebellion all across Dorne but Myros led his small band of outlaws from the hidden valleys and high-passes of the Red Mountains that he had spent much of his youth in. They would have probably remained just another group of robber-knights, but for the fact Myros decided to style himself the new Vulture King. The old and infamous title long associated with House Blackmont drew support from far and wide to their lair in Vulture’s Roost as they became a focal point for the unrest. What had started as a small rag-tag group soon snowballed, men would ever fight for stories. But this was to be their downfall as it also drew the wrong kind of attention. A surprise attack on Vulture’s Roost found the rag-tag defenders no match for Reach Knights, being used to hit and run fights they were soon overwhelmed and scattered. It should have ended there but it did not. Myros’ life was spared, in a manner of speaking - he was sent to the wall. Up at the frozen end of the world Myros fiery temper finally cooled, humbled. He was a former rebel and a bastard yes, but that was hardly remarkable in the Night’s Watch. As a trained and experienced knight though he was able to do well in his new home and taking a post at Eastwatch soon discovered he had a love of the sea. Myers spent the next 42 years of his life in black. His adventures took him to the sea as much as beyond the wall, Eastwatch had trade with the south and across the narrow sea, even with the more tamer wildlings, so he was able to see more of the world than a normal brother might. He rose steadily through the ranks, until he came to finally command the eastern-most castle. Myros is reaching the final chapters of his life now, one that started as a bastard outlaw and looks set to end in stark contrast to how it began. [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/yQtx7v9/Blackmont-Bst.png[/img][/center] [/hider]