[center][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/a8/b5/xHNz9NyO_o.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=crimson]"Just the general knowledge regarding him. Goes by Brother Lamb, blonde hair, subject to rumor of supernatural events surrounding him, things likely involving free-casting."[/color] Trypano answered back to Desmond. While he was fishing out the drawn portrait of their target Trypano delicately fished the vial they would be using out from the satchel. Her eyes had been trained on the sigil printed on the side of the vial since the moment it was seen. Now, leaning back against a lantern post she studied it with keen interest. It was going to be a puzzle indeed, devising a way of separating this target from a sample without accruing suspicion and perhaps even resistance. [color=crimson]"I wonder what his personal feelings regarding Varrene's mood towards Revidia is. It has potential to inform our approach."[/color] She idly inquired, brain storming with her fellow agents, all of whom she was already acquainted with in one way or another. Given how well his last plan went she was hoping for Carmillia or Silas to take up more of the backbone in regards to forming a strategy. In the dim light she casually awaited their input, studying this lovely example of a container all the while. [hr] Directly Involved: [@Animus], [@Tackytaff], [@Th3King0fChaos].