[center][h1][color=ff5000][b]Renar Hagen[/b][/color][/h1][/center] Ugh. Had he been this moody at the captain's age? In objective, unbiased terms, probably. But Renar would never actually admit that. So instead, he took a fortifying sip of wine, trying to determine how best to break up Fanilly's little pity session. He'd never interacted with Sir Rickert much, but from what he had, Renar suspected the senior knight had wanted little to do with him. Any...commiseration on his part would be rather insincere. So he sighed. [color=ff5000][b]"Good men die. Bad men die. There's no way around saying this, but as a leader of men, it's something you'll have to get used to. The goddesses only know I'll probably die in battle before I get what I want out of life."[/b][/color] He chuckled grimly, finishing his cup and pouring himself a second one. Probably best to cut himself off after this one, if only to make sure someone in this group stayed relatively sober. [color=ff5000][b]"Unfortunately, the realm needs the Iron Rose to accomplish the crown's goals more than it needs every single knight to live long and healthful lives. I've no other advice other than to keep the long-term in mind. Always remember that your knights fight and die in service of duty, so that threats to the realm are eliminated."[/b][/color] Renar had no personal attachment to the concepts of duty or service, but hopefully it was something that would motivate Fanilly. Based on his own personality, any talk of helping others would rightfully come across as a lie, so this was the best he could do. Best to move the conversation on. [color=ff5000][b]"That all said, how has administration been thus far? I've been rather concerned with the state of the Order over the last few years, given how we've had no central leadership thus far. Some matters of bookkeeping have wound up falling to me at times."[/b][/color] If only because he'd forcefully taken over from certain idiots who'd had no idea how to balance an account book to save their lives.