While Sir Renar's blunt attitude wasn't the most reassuring, at the same time at their core his words had managed to get through in some respect. Sir Rickert shouldn't have died. That much was certain. That much couldn't be forgotten going forward. But at the same time, at the very least, he died for a cause. He died fighting to defeat ruthless, murdering bandits and protect the people of Thaln. Fanilly took a deep breath, glancing down towards her wine for a few moments a she did. If a knight had to fall, at least falling for the sake of their homeland was a meaningful death, no matter how brutal. She wasn't sure if she found this entirely comforting or not, but at the same time perhaps Sir Rickert was the sort of person who would have wanted to die for such a purpose, if he had to die. She couldn't say for certain, but somehow it felt as if it may have been true. "... If nothing else, the goddesses will look upon him warmly for his deeds," she said, finally, before taking another small sip of her wine. "And the people who may have suffered without him, too..." Fanilly inhaled deeply, then exhaled, feeling some of the tension in her slim frame dissipate. She wasn't entirely prepared for the change of topic, but it only took her a moment to collect her thoughts and respond. "I've had my maids organizing paperwork for me to look through," she answered, "It's tedious, but it hasn't been so bad. I think the senior knights mostly did a fine job of keeping things in order, though I guess there's still a few things they're looking for. I'm thankful to my tutors, I wouldn't have been able to handle any of this without them." Even with the lessons in administration she'd received, that side of handling the order had seemed just as daunting as the military and symbolic parts of her role. But the paperwork had thankfully been easier to understand then she'd feared, and there were other officials within the order who were there to assist with communicating the necessary information to her, such as the order's Treasurer. [@Psyker Landshark][@Rune_Alchemist]