As she deftly twisted her hair into the long plait that it had become so known for on the Aerie, Quinn almost started crying again. But it was a different kind of 'crying' than before. Besca and Dahlia. Her family. They were so nice to her. So, [i]so[/i] nice. She had never imagined that anybody could be like this before. Never, in all her wildest dreams and fantasies. They helped her when she was at her absolute worst. No matter what she did, how she messed up, they were still always there to help pick her up when she fell. They made her smile. Dahlia had even made her laugh. They were the best family anybody could ever ask for, anywhere. And for one delicious, impossible moment, Quinn let herself believe she deserved it. She was quiet as she finished the braid, bringing it around the front to check it before she snapped the elastic on the end to tie it off. Satisfied, she flicked it behind again, settling it against the jacket until everything sat comfortably. The nerves were still tearing at her. Anxiety was still bubbling deep inside her and setting her heart pounding. But Besca would be there. And she and Dahlia were both proud of Quinn. She would pin it to her chest and wear it like a badge if she could. [color=gray][i]You're one of the most important people in the world to me.[/i][/color] "[color=ffe63d]Um...Besca?[/color]" She took three long, deep breath. One. Two. Three. Then she stood, moved to the door to wait, and turned, looking at Besca as she plucked her coat from the counter. And she put a smile on her face. It took so, so much effort. It was fragile. It trembled as she tried not to cry. But it was still a smile. And it was still there. "[color=ffe63d]You're, um, really important to me too.[/color]" She paused. "[color=ffe63d]And...thank you. know.[/color]"