[quote=@Gisk] I've another question! How will duels be decided? I mean, ideally players could decide amongst themselves, but is there a method to determine this in case an agreement can't be reached? [/quote] If two players can't decide among themselves, they will have to pitch their reasons to me (effect, reasoning, etc) and I'll arbitrate. If someome refuses to lose and is rude about things, they'll be forced into the Guel mines until they learn that losing is just as interesting. [quote=@Yam I Am] Also a question going off of Gisk's earlier one: Is the status of clone tech up for grabs? I had the passing thought of wondering what the status of vat-tube babies, clones, and so on were after reading up on the technology of the setting. Gisk's comment on being raised from birth would have me curious if making a clone / gene splice baby was a possibility...and if it was, how common it'd be since there's could be the possibility of some corporate vat tube baby arms race going on behind the scenes. Or if some upper class twits just decided over the course of a few decades that bearing and conceiving children the usual way was "degrading" and "for the poors". [/quote] Clones aren't really feasible. Some genetic augmentation is possible, but think more curing ailments like heart defects than making an ubermensch. I will say that sex is based, so people still do the normal route. The in universe line is more along antinatalism: is it right for the outer colonies (and Mars, if they're particularily an ass) to have children if they're just going to suffer.