[hider=Rish] [b]Name:[/b] Rish [b]Race/Gender:[/b] Elf, Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Rish presents something of an oddity: an elf that seems wholly un-elvish. Even from a quick glance, he appears just a bit too rough around the edges. His head seems to have been recently (and hastily) shaved clean, leaving only the faintest, ghostly remnant of fine black hair and revealing the prominent pointed ears of his race. His fingers, though long and clever, are pocked and marred by old swellings and burn scars, and the sharp features of his face are offset by a slightly crooked broken nose. Most alarmingly, he is dressed not in noble finery or the humble but deceptively well made garments of elven folk, but rather in a pauper's roughspun cloth outfit, worn with travel stains and spattered with mud. In contrast, a pair of simple but well-maintained boots covers his feet. Light green eyes regard the world from under his thin brows, though there is no spark of vigor or mischief within them; instead they seem flat and grim, focused but uninspired. [b]Background:[/b] Officially, little is known of the criminal called "Rish." The company of elves that delivered him for transport to the Frontiers stated only that he was guilty of theft and murder, and was to be sent into exile alongside the rest of the travelers. Unsurprisingly, the convict had little else to share about himself, other than that he was hoping to find work when they reached their destination. Anyone well-traveled enough, and in the possession of a particularly sharp pair of eyes and ears, may note some uncanny resemblance to the famed Court Blacksmith of Moonhollow, Sydrishel Fithraen, whom recently disappeared under mysterious circumstances alongside his wife and longtime partner in the trade. Afterwards, it is said, the heads of House Fithraen moved quickly to stamp out any rumor or mention of his name. "Rish," of course, claims to have never heard of this blacksmith, or been to the great canyons of Moonhollow. [b]Personality:[/b] Rish is quiet and world-weary, with a notable lack of ambition or greater aspiration regarding his prospects in the Frontiers; instead, he has openly professed his desire to live a simple existence doing small-time jobs for the remainder of his long life. When he does set out to do something, though, Rish fulfills his task, whatever it may be, to the end, with inexhaustible focus and attention to detail. Somehow, one gets the feeling that this old elf won't get his wish of a quiet retirement in exile. [b]Inventory:[/b] Rish carries little on his person, though he does have a small pack containing three torches, several days' worth of dried rations, a waterskin, and flint and firestarter. As a criminal, he came with no personal belongings or weaponry, though his captors did provide the driver of the carriage with a small belt knife and a simple wooden cudgel to be given over to him when they reached their destination. [/hider]