[color=#CC50C4]O B A D A I C H I[/color] [hr] Daichi wondered what DoKunemon had meant by him being her servant? He didn’t feel obligate to work for anyone, always imagining himself running his own business. So why was he supposed to work for this small worm? Especially a slimy one, he thought as he noticed the semi-transparent goo trailing behind DoKunemon. Daichi decided to back away from the creature. He then headed toward the girl in the wind breaker, figuring that she was taking charge of the situation. As he did so, one of the pink fairy creatures began to speak. In less than a minute Daichi had learned that he was in a parallel dimension, one where these creatures called Digimon were the dominant species. It was a lot to take in initially, but then Daichi remembered reading about Multiverse Theory. There were apparently an infinite amount of dimensions, where everything that could potentially happen does happen. The question was how exactly did Daichi and the other humans cross into this dimension? The pink Digimon then mentioned that humans have to be summoned to this world, but had no clue who had summoned. More questions, thought Daichi. Who had drawn this small group here? Why them? As they all seemed to be teenagers, was this something about youth. Surely an adult with a complete skill set would be of more use to the whoever the summoner was. It was then revealed that humans in this world are supposed to have a Digimon partner to aid them. Looking around, Daichi quickly realized that DoKunemon was supposed to be his partner. Great, he thought. This was on exasperated by the fact that some Digimon were hostile and might attack on sight. Daichi didn’t think the two-foot tall worm that was his partner would be able to do much in battle. Then the two pink fairy Digimon began to leave, only for the girl who was taking lead stooped down in front of the one who had been explaining. Its sister looked nervous when confronted by the girl. They began to talk, but it was soft enough that Daichi couldn’t hear. [color=#02B51A]“Now do you understand? We’re a couple, a Queen and her brave Knight,”[/color] stated DoKunemon as she slid over to Daichi. [color=#CC50C4]“I thought it was more of a fifty/fifty thing with being partners,”[/color] Daichi replied. [color=#02B51A]“Fifty/fifty never works. The one with the power should govern. And since I’m a Digimon and your just a human, I am the one with the power.”[/color] Again Daichi appraised DoKunemon. While small and slow moving, she had a fierceness to her that intrigued him. That and she wasn’t that monstrous looking, at least compared to what Daichi had envisioned when the fairy Digimon had spoken of hostile Digimon. But there was one thing still bugging Daichi. [color=#CC50C4]“Do you have to leave a trail of slime behind you?”[/color] Daichi asked. [color=#02B51A]“That’s a dumb question. It’s like asking a Gazimon if it needs to shed its fur,”[/color] replied DoKunemon, [color=#02B51A]“At least with my slime it doesn’t smell, it doesn’t stain things, and it dissolves after a few minutes.”[/color] [color=#CC50C4]“That’s good to know.”[/color] Figuring that he should mark some of these details down, Daichi pulled out a fresh notebook out of his messenger bag. It was only as he did so did he acknowledge that whatever had summoned him here also brought his bag. It must of been the same deal for the others, Daichi noting that one of the guys had a skateboard. Daichi then began to write everything he knew about DoKunemon on the first page. As he did so, his Digimon partner slid over to the two fairy Digimon siblings. [color=#02B51A]“So I’ve heard stories of Digimon and humans becoming partners before, so I get that,”[/color] said DoKunemon, [color=#02B51A]“But isn’t there more to it? Like a wise old Digimon to mentor them? A home base? Or I’ve heard a few stories of a magical item that links the human and Digimon’s connection? Do we have any of those?”[/color] As DoKunemon spoke she noticed the light from above glinting off something in the sister Digimon’s hand. [color=#02B51A]“You sure you’re telling us everything?”[/color] questioned DoKunemon. That Daichi heard as he walked over to DoKunemon and the human girl. It had seemed strange that these two fairy Digimon were here before we awoke, only offering the most basic rundown of where we were, and were no trying to bolt. It was awfully suspicious to Daichi, his violet eyes narrowing at the two fairy Digimon.