[center][h1][color=#B5A642][b]Dragan Meszaros[/b][/color][/h1][/center] They'd lost one of their number already, before even leaving the city. Dragan was no master of Ilena's own brand of magic, but he could tell that even if she by some miracle hadn't faced the final death for a second time, she was at least in no state to continue on with them. Damnably unfortunate. The skeletal giant was another issue. He could feel that its reanimation still held, merely in suspension without a necromancer to command it. And Dragan knew he didn't have the strength to wrest control over it yet. Even if he had, the logistics of traveling across the land with such a beast would be...difficult. With that in mind, he cut the link between himself and the remainder of the undead horde he controlled, allowing their reanimation to fade and for the shambling bones to crumble back to the dirt. [color=#B5A642][b]"This...was not part of the plan."[/b][/color] He gestured towards the spot where Ilena had fallen. [color=#B5A642][b]"Though we must move on."[/b][/color] The Death Knight glanced to Luna. [color=#B5A642][b]"In lack of a better guide, your subordinate's suggestion seems our best course of action for the moment. Thoughts, anyone? Objections?"[/b][/color]