Kaito removed the girl’s upper clothes and continued to apply bandages. The fox still had mixed feelings about this act of kindness. He had a hard time of letting her actions go and yet at the same time he kwown all too well that it was rather irrational to continue to feel this anger towards this girl. The kitsune sighed.He wasn’t sure if the girl could hear him but he spoke nonetheless. [color=#93FFFF]” You should thank Jazdia, the elf you attacked so relentlessly for saving your life. I would have chosen to leave you here to die. I guess I’m just as emotional as you when it comes to seeing the people I care about getting hurt. I still feel a lot of anger and I am not capable of letting it go. At least not at this moment. I’ll try it again in the future. Maybe you can do that too.”[/color] For a moment Kaito just looked at her. He had finished up applying the bandages and the girl was now lying half naked on the floor of the sewer. That was a good way to attract all kinds of germs and hypothermia. Not to mention that a lady of her age should not go half undressed in public. The fox removed his cloak and then his tunic, revealing his battered and bruised but apart from that rather unremarkable physique. He quickly pulled his tunic over the girl’s head before putting his cloak back on. At least that would keep her a bit warmer and covered for prying eyes. As Jazdia was speaking with the soldier the fox turned one of his big fox ears towards them. He could perfectly follow their conversation. Kaito didn’t know much about the Delving family except for the fact that they played a big role in this country’s politics. But if the older brother was involved as well, then it would be safe to assume that whoever belonged to house Delving is atleast a suspect. Probably the entire noble family was in on the assassination attempt. Kaito turned his head towards the elf and the soldier. [color=#93FFFF]”I told you Chounan’s clothing style would attract too much attention”[/color] It was of course a little joke as the fox had already spent much of the operation not concealing his ears and tail. He tried to laugh but could quickly feel the pain in his ribcage from all the bruising. [color=#93FFFF]”Anyway, I think it is a great idea to let the soldier carry the girl. I doubt she will be moving on her own anytime soon”[/color]