After a bit of teasing from Brandy, especially where Sofia and her shyness was concerned, the satyress followed the other two girls out of the Bubbling Cauldron. On their way, she was obviously very excited about her new ring, almost never taking her eyes off of it as they walked... Which led to no isolated incidents of bumping into strangers and verbal exchanges of the insulting variety following. The only time she [i]did[/i] look away from her new prize was when there was something new and exciting to stand on - like a street-side food stall - or when she was conversing with the other two girls. Upon reaching the blacksmith though, Brandy's bright aura of excitement dimmed a bit. It appeared the bouncy bombshell wasn't a fan of the smokey, dirtty and dim atomosphere of the smithy. It might also have something to do with the complete and absolute lack of anything cute or stylish, being on display. Utilitarian and functional arms and equipment were all well and good, but they certainly wasn't going to win any awards for fashion or aesthetics - two of Brandy's most beloved facets. The burly blacksmith seemed friendly enough though, more-so than the old clerk over at the magic shop at least. Hearing the request from the undead archer, he raised an eyebrow in a quizzical mattter. [b]"Farm girl.... Size....?"[/b] "Uh, yeah! That'd be me, chuckles." Brandy said, popping out from behind Sofia and striking an unnecessarily sultry pose by placing one leg forward, her hands behind her head and giving the man a wink and winning smile. [b]"Ah... I see. You girls adventurers then I take it? Doesn't look like you've been at it for too long, judging by... Well... The lack of scars and your, ahem, [i]frugal[/i] equipment."[/b] The grey-bearded one said with a cheeky, but not illmeant, smirk. "Hey! Some of us just happen to be picky about what we wear, muscles. Not everyone can pull off the greasy, soot-smudged apron-look y'know?" Brandy retorted. [b]"Hah! Ain't that the truth. Still, can't say I have something on hand that'd fit this little lady's... Physique Well, nothing great anyway. I got some loose breastplates with strap-fasteners and a cuirass or two that might work, but they all mighgt be a bit tight.".[/b] "You sayin'¨I'm fat, you jerk!?" [b]"Ya certainly got some meat on those bones."[/b] The man laughed. "... Dick." Brandy said while sticking out her tongue and turning around in a harumph. [b]"Really though. You girls might wanna invest in a shield or perhaps some better weapons instead. None of ya exactly strike me as the steel-clad warrior who wades into the fray. I got some bucklers and smaller shields over on that wall. And if you're looking to replace that wooden stick, I've got maces annd morning stars over in the corner next to the axes and hatchets. Have a look."[/b] Brandy was however too busy sulking and grabbing at her own waistline, attempting to catch any excess flab there, to even hear what the man had to say. Normally she wouldn't care about negative comments about her appearance, but this was more a natural reaction that - for some reason - a lot of women seemed to have when their weight was commented upon. Needless to say, she was distracted for the time being.