[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220818/32b1f4e911de81620719c5eee1ff8a46.png[/img][/center] [hr] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/011/723/849/large/alexander-trufanov-bio-kinetic.jpg?1531080304[/img] Boom tubes were quick, (probably) safe and efficient. They also made people's stomachs do backflips and when your whole body is basically your digestive tract, you'd be none too keen on using the marvel of alien technology. That's why ME found himself riding the bus and running late to training today. He'd been studying for drivers license for a while now but he'd yet to have any practical experience let alone sit in the cockpit of a street machine. Public transportation wasn't all bad though; being around people let ME further empathize and integrate with the people he protected. Of course there were side glances, wide eyes and some bus-goers opting to take a later trip but there was also a few that went about their business after seeing the alien working around town or his contribution to the situation at the mall the other day. Said contributions had ME feeling a mix of feelings after realizing the full scope of his contributions. The 'citizens' he thought he was saving were actually the ones causing trouble and this was causing the him some embarrassment after the fact. Everything turned out well in the end but ME knew he needed to get a better grip on subtleties of right and wrong lest he become like Multiple Bilbby himself. [hr] As the bus sped away, ME sped towards the school's entrance as fast as his combined mechanical and biological bodies could take him without launching himself haphazardly at the building. Some scampering, quick-thinking and double-backs later CHEMAXZORD found himself finally at the right room, of which he 'smoothly' entered into as Oracle finished suiting up. ME didn't want to make his tardiness more obvious to his classmates so rather than answer Oracle's question (which was probably directed at ME), the slime saw his chance to try out a new move he'd learned. He moved his mechanical body's arm parallel to the ground and with a umber of deliberate movements formed a fist, raising one digit to the sky. The alien knew he had a fifty-fifty chance or either insulting Oracle or encouraging her. He just hoped that raising the thumb was the right digit.