[hr] [center][h2]One Last Push [/h2][/center] [hr][@Leophael] [@myinneroblivion] [@ShadowsofNight] [hr] Bob easily launched himself to the chandelier above to get a better vantage of the dance floor as well as the VIP area. His body ached like crazy but his sheer determination pushed him onward. Thankfully, Bucur was still incapacitated by his vicious strike earlier that fight and Façade was out cold. The thugs were either out cold from the electric shocks dealt by Manny or writhing on the ground from the injuries caused by Bob. The case containing the Diamond Dust inhalers was, miraculously, still where Manny had dropped it when he got stabbed. If the Jersey Devil were forced to do in the false super, a pistol could still be acquired in the VIP area. But he had a plan right to take the brute down non-lethally, right? Bob didn't need to resort to using guns to gun down this beast like those heartless men and women who gunned his friends and family down like animals. Bob was better than that...right? Down in the dance floor, the Brute slowly lumbered forward towards Talia. Even after getting hit with what would have been tantamount to a lightning bolt, it still managed to stand back up. Its roaring bravado reduced to an ember of defiance against the rookie heroes. Just as the brutish monster reached down to use the unconscious Manny as a projectile, the big meaty hand grasped at nothing but the polished hardwood floor. Confused he looks at the Performer and sees her ribbon wrapped around the unconscious man that was a safe distance away from either of them. But rather than go for the vulnerable man, the brute was easily distracted by the graceful movements of both woman and ribbon; its clumsy swings, made more sluggish by its weakened state, automatically failed to snatch even a strand of hair from the woman. If she played her cards right, she could set up the over-dusted up brute to the center of the dance floor and give Bob an opportunity to drop the chandelier on it and end the fight then and there without resorting to lethal means. ...but of course it will be up to them on how they finish this fight.