[@Enkryption] Lunatea scratched her head at Alice's sudden change of demeanor. She was just flirting with him yet all of a sudden she acted like she was scared? It didn't make sense! Maybe she got some… condition that disturbed her mind or something? "Please, don't be afraid. We meant you no harm." She said as gently as she could, bending over a little to look at her right in the eye. "We're just… concerned about your relationship with Takeshi, that's all." Yes, concerned. That's the word. It wasn't because she was jealous or anything like that! "It's not our business to question your relationship with him. However, we are simply worried that he will be in hot water if his people know what has transpired." She glanced at Takeshi. "These humans… they won't take it lightly that their leader has a relationship with our kind."