[quote=@Obscene Symphony] Do Reapers primarily work alone, or do they get sent out as teams? Or is it up to them if they want to team up or not? Are there some jobs that require multiple Reapers? [/quote] Miss Death sends reapers out on teams due to a certain Incident(TM), and will generally encourage working in teams. Buuuuut she's also not able to enforce them actually working together once they've left Decibitus unless someone in the group does it for her. In that sense, even if jobs might not need multiple reapers, Miss Death will send at least two to every job on her end. There are definitely jobs that do require a group though like particularly nasty wisps or "oh my god someone ran from Decibitus into a populated city how are we supposed to find them now???" types of situations. [@Hero] (✧∀✧)/