Draped in a brown cloak, a figured hurried through the busy streets. A slender white hand, bruised, and scratched, clasped it's hood tightly, as if a sudden breeze would come down at any second, and pull it away. It was on the smaller side, and would go unnoticed by most passerby. The few who did focus on it, didn't think much. Perhaps it was an adolescent, lost, and looking for their parents, or maybe it was a young adult, on the run from their parents. Behind the rushing wee-one was where most eyes turned. Draped in a similar cloak, walking steadily, came the giant, at least, giant, among normal men. It's steps boomed on the cobbled streets. Occasionally a step would crack the stone, or cause already existing cracks to spread out. "Where? oh where?" A tiny voice from the smaller cloaked figure mumbled. The red eyes under the hood darted one way and another. "I doubt they got everyone, but enough. Damn marines." She spat marines like bitter poison. "Every time I find somewhere to rest easy, here they come, and sink everything to the bottom." "Ah!" Her eyes sparkled. There was a bar. She didn't think she'd been to that one, in particular, before, but that was okay. She didn't know all her crew, but she knew enough of them to know they'd head towards the nearest watering hole. Even if they couldn't regroup from the massacre, they could at least drown away their sorrows and sing to the fallen. Quickly, as if a timer had started somewhere, and Sophie only had so much time, Sophie made her way to the bar, and slipped inside. Everyone was celebrating. Of course they were. From the outside, the pirates were always the enemies and the enemies had just been destroyed. Cheers everyone. Cheers! Hard as it was not to say anything, Sophie managed and looked around. It didn't take her long to see some familiar faces, gathered at a table. "Aye." She said, taking a seat and giving a nod to the rest. A few moments later there was pause in the celebrations as the larger fellow in the cloak stepped inside. It didn't bother to survey the room. it headed right in, and took a standing position behind Sophie. "Good to see I wasn't the only one who made it through that mess."