[center][IMG]https://images2.imgbox.com/83/5d/lJFrjOlE_o.png[/IMG][/center] Kayo gritted her teeth beneath a placid smile as not one, not two, but [i]three[/i] different people shoved their way by her, knocking her smaller frame around a bit like a ragdoll as the crowd flexed around them. They must've been upperclassmen. Nobody else would push through like that. She almost wanted to [i]snarl[/i] at them. [i][color=#5bb573]If she gets me wet in this weather, I'm going to hurt her soooo much.[/color][/i] But she didn't, [i]obviously,[/i] because she was [i]better[/i] than they were, a fact which was more than evident now. [i]Obviously.[/i] She'd gotten off the night train from Kyoto right around the crack of dawn—it had [i]really[/i] been cold then—and spent an hour waking herself up some and privately sneering at her mom while sitting in a charming little coffee shop, sipping on a hot cocoa and nibbling on a pastry. She she didn't really know the name of it. Something French, she thought. It had been pretty good, she'd need to go back to that place after school sometime. She tried her best to remember exactly where it had been, before a particularly chilly gust of wind brushed her hair against her face and prompted a surprised sneeze. She'd think about it later. She remembered the name if nothing else. In contrast to those three idiots from before—silver hair, green hair, fish, she would remember them for [i]sure[/i]—she dawdled a bit in how she moved through the courtyard, very occasionally sliding by someone with a saccharine "[color=#5bb573]Sorry! Excuse me! Oh, I'm sorry![/color]" The crowd rankled her slightly. She should be out in front of them, naturally. But being out in front of them wouldn't do her any favors socially, as those three had conveniently demonstrated. And Kayo was nothing if not socially conscious. So she was in no hurry to get into the hall quite yet. It was cold, certainly, but the oversized, fluffy pale green sweater she wore over her uniform cut most of the chill. Ahhh, there was the fish girl with the white hair, shivering like mad. Burying her disdain, she came up behind her. She was [i]tall,[/i] wasn't she? An upperclassman, definitely. Probably a third year, if she had to guess. So why was she standing out here if she was so cold? [i][color=#5bb573]Well,[/color][/i] the thought presented itself easily, [color=#5bb573][i]it's because she's a[/i] moron.[/color] Which would only make her job easier, wouldn't it? Having an upperclassman on her side would do wonders for her. Get her a nice little headstart in front of everyone else. Even though it wasn't like she needed it or anything. So she walked up behind her, and tapped her gently on the shoulder. "[color=#5bb573]Excuse me,[/color]" she said sweetly, pitching her voice up to where it sat in day-to-day life. "[color=#5bb573]You're an upperclassman, right? I'm Nigata Kayo, a first year. I'm a [i]liiiittle[/i] bit lost,[/color]"—she was not, she knew exactly where to go—"[color=#5bb573]so could you show me where the event hall is, please?[/color]"