David slowly stalked forward as he freed an arrow from his quiver and lined up the shot with the Rad-Stag in front of him. He'd been tracking it for the last three hours, we'll him and Honey. The albino gecko was beside him crouched low and concentrating on the two headed deer, ready to leap into action and chase the prey down if it ran off after being shot. David moved a bit closer and pulled the string of his bow slowly back. He took a deep breath and then as he let it out, and that was about the time the bell rung. It threw of his aim slightly and so instead of a clean kill it hit it a bit lower and probably hit a lung instead of the heart. David cursed as he drew another arrow and ran after the now fleeing deer but Honey was faster. With a Running leap she locked her jaws onto the Rad-Stags back leg left leg and brought it to the ground. David quickly lined up a shot and put the struggling animal down. "Good work girl!" David said as he pat Honey on her large head. "We'll be eating good tonight, and the hide will sell for a decent amount." He looked over the corpse as he removed his arrows, luckily none had snaped during the things struggle. "I'll probably have to go see what that bell was about, if for nothing else then tell'em off." He slung the small deer over his shoulders and headed home. He put the body in the large cooler in front of his shack it was hooked up to a small generator nearby. Then without wiping of the blood he and Honey headed for the town hall. Now even most days people give him and Honey a few strange looks but today he was covered in blood and looked especially sour. So people were probably starting a bit more than usual. He entered the Town hall and quickly took a seat towards the front, which probably told most how he felt as he mostly kept to the back unless something had gotten under his skin. He had honey curl up in the seat to his right and patted her absent mindedly as he waited for the meeting to begin.