[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/acCZCUg.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=009fff]Event:[/color][/b] Secrets of Zaqhoria [b]|[/b] [b][color=009fff]Location:[/color][/b] Ruins of Zaqhoria, Torragonese Desert[hr][hr][/center] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/XSXtTDbvS40[/youtube][/center] The Monster had just torn the horrors into pieces as rivers of blood sprayed around the room. Ayla tried her best to concentrate on being strong for her friends, her body and thoughts on autopilot as she tried to make sense of the situation, though hopelessly and completely overwhelmed. The monster appeared to be targeting the very things keeping it caged, the threats of which becoming evident as Jocasta suddenly starts drawing and begins to battle with the creature as she puts it within a kinetic grasp which barely held. [color=ffdead]"The rest of you,"[/color] Jocasta quickly murmured, [color=ffdead]"get out of here. Now."[/color] Her eyes wide with shock as she hears those words, [color=7ea7d8]"What about you?"[/color]. She starts to draw upon her mana, as feeble the amount seems in comparison with the blonde beside her. Zarina clicks her tongue, [color=C78A2C]“Not unless you come along.”[/color] Jocasta tossed a smile back over her shoulder at them. [color=ffdead]"Stupid brave,"[/color] she said. Then, the beast spoke. [b]"I can understand you,"[/b] said the monster, grinning evilly. [color=ffdead]"We freed you,"[/color] Jocasta reminded her. Hoping to catch the monster off-guard with the distraction. Ayla starts to channel her own energy as she begins to reach her limit, [color=7ea7d8]"Hear this!"[/color] She releases a sonic attack towards the creature, hopefully enough to disorientate and discombobulate her enough so they can use that moment to escape using Jocasta's temporal magic. The beast, who had seemed on the verge of speaking, flinches for a moment, flaring its nostrils. [b]"Not bad, girl."[/b] she hissed. [b]"For that, I shall extract a toll."[/b][hr] Click. Done. That was all the time it took for her to become a ragdoll. Become no more alive than one of Ysilla’s puppets. Ayla was suddenly in the world of darkness as she is currently cut off from seven of her senses, the eighth thundering in their absence as she becomes one with her own body, the deafening which rapidly accelerates as she screams out in the abyss. Yet for all she may scream, there was only silence. A deafening silence. [hr][color=D3D3D3][i][color=7ea7d8]A soul trapped in a husk. Her life has now met its dusk. The Ultimate Sacrifice for a lie. Time has come for her to die. Yet in the sleepful state, she is still wide awake. Not yet embraced the darkness offered by the Drake. She moved forward as the darkness parted, breaking through into a light. Even with all the setbacks, her hopes and dreams burn bright. Like a rose caught in a breeze, She will not fall foul of this disease. As to where fate will sow, Temptation implores her to know.[/color] As moonlight reflects in her sight, Ayla extends her hand as she plucks the Rose from the air. The attraction was natural as she cups it within her grasp. Lulled in with its beautiful presence. The blue of the petals is electrifying, witnessing the magical energy arcing from it to her. The flower is sizzling within her hand as it dissolves and rises into the air, being breathed in as it fills her being. [color=009fff]Her body enchanted to become true, the stem entwines as she becomes a gem to shine anew. A horn calling upon beauty in all its forms to adorn. May her thorns make love's enemies scorn. The petals bind to her mettle to bring her wings to soar. Weaving her thoughts into a stream to create a path that is more than a dream[/color] Ayla looks up into the air as she sees herself as the blue rose. Long blue curls flowing her head, wings like rose petals, elegant and beautiful as she shines as a beacon. The girl before her has the resemblance of one of the Archangels themselves. Ayla, captivated by her beauty, couldn’t resist moving towards her. No matter the effort, the distance between them doesn’t appear to shorten. She comes to a stop as she reflects. Beauty is not surface deep nor is it shallow, it is the strength of bonds between people. It is the kindness, the love, friendship, and sharing with your companions. As the expression goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is not the appearance that is appealing, it is the embodiment, what the archangel represents. As if sensing this change, the being appears to be slowly pulled towards her. Ayla, understanding the message reinforces the commitment to her bonds of friendship. As she loves them, they love her, and this is the true beauty of life. Ayla and the archangel were face-to-face, she reached out towards her.[/i][/color][hr] Her senses come to life once again, her body whirring as she feels the intense and almost overwhelming information flood into sensations as the dark mists consume her once again, fading away as the dimmed light shines brighter, soon shapes begin to form, and then the radiance of colour. The moment was only brief as within it, Zarina’s face was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Her friend leaning over her, holding her within her arms, tears in her eyes. The beauty of friendship. [color=009fff]“Was that death…?”[/color] [hr][hr]