It's a cold and miserable autumn night.... where the leaves, once exhibiting such peaceful and colorful hues of early September's oranges and corrode and rot into sinister shades of black as October draws near, a time when according to the old lore, evil is said to be released for once a year from its dreadful imprisonment and corrupt the mortal realm with its unspeakable horrors. Demons, haunting aberrations, and wraiths alike flock from their withering tombs with cackles of ill glee and the scent of fresh blood wafting through the bitter freezing air into their grotesque nostrils. On such a night, you are alone at home. You're too old to go enjoy any pre-Halloween fun like the rest of the kids, so you stay in the living room, decaying your mind with fear as you decide to watch a marathon of horror movies from stop to finish. Already plagued with disturbing and gruesome images of death and depravity displayed so viciously before your eyes, you want to turn the TV off and go to bed, just get the nightmares over with, urge to feel that adrenaline coursing through your veins, the euphoria one gets from....fear. So you decide "One more movie wouldn't hurt. I doubt it's even scary." But how wrong you are. Somehow, this strange DVD ended up in your collection after it ended up in your mailbox, but you didn't order it..... You don't even know what the movie is, since there was nothing on the box...just black.... Ignoring that fact though, something urges you to watch it. Once the DVD is in however....all Hell breaks loose. Your eyes, they're immediately assaulted by grizzly images, people...not mutilated and tormented in ways so horrible and nauseating for words to even dare to describe. You feel sick, dreadfully sick to your stomach. Even as you shield your eyes from the atrocities, you can't block out the terrifying screams of agony from the victims on screen. You reach to turn the TV off and end the mayhem, but the screaming there's just a black background...with one ominous word in blood red letters...."GOODBYE...." Frozen, you stare at the screen, those horrible visions you just witnessed, fresh in your mind, all the blood...all the carnage... It was no was real.. Suddenly, you feel something behind you...a presence, dark, malevolent, and malicious. It's a thirst for blood that weighs heavily upon you as it draws closer and closer. You realize now what that final message pertains's you. It's your end.... Dare you to turn and face it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So the idea of this is that women are being prowled upon by a serial killer for reasons unknown. The only motive to this killer is they send the current victim a DVD which is a snuff film comprised of their past victims' murders, then after the woman is done watching it, they suddenly appear behind her and kill her in any disturbing way imaginable. There's been eight women murdered so far in the city this RP takes place in, and while the police are doing all they can to solve this case, their efforts are for naught. It's up to the women to put an end to these killings and discover who the murderer is, all the while being tormented by the psychopath and targeted. Will you survive...or will you die? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now for those [s]annoying ass fuck[/s] rules ^_^ 1. Follow RPG site rules. 2. No god modding, power playing, etc 3. Some of you will die. The GM will choose a character at random to murder. The player of that character will be sent a PM stating they have been chosen and their death scene will be arranged. 4. Romance is not expected but it may come up, if so keep it PG-13 or go Rock the Casbah in the PMs 5. Female characters only. Male Npc's are free to control however so it's perfectly fine to bring them in for interacting for a event. 6. You do have access to weapons to defend yourself, but only small stuff like a kitchen knife or a vase. Guns are strictly limited to pistols only and they have low ammo 7. Wait for at least two other people to post before posting. 8. Be respectful...or I WILL FIND YOU 10. Have your character have weakness's as well as strengths. Not everyone is a badass all the time, and since this is a horror RP, there has to be some vulnerability to your OC 11. Have fun!! But not too much fun because the killer is watching <.< 12. If there is no reply within a week your character is assumed dead. If you withdraw interest then your character shall be subjected to my control and will die....horribly --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And here's Le CS. Thanks to my favorite fox Silver for the template and whatnot ^_^ Name: Age: Job: Clothing: Height: Appearance: Personality: Short Bio: Strengths: (Two at the most) Weakness: (About two physical and three mental) Likes: Dislikes: Fear: