[center]Nyoko and Kaeru[/center] [@Raineh Daze][@Zeroth] [hr] Boy it was crowded in here, huh? Well, not that Kaeru or Nyoko minded, especially when they got to meet the newcomers. They might get some flak for doing whatever it was they both wanted as usual, but neither particularly cared too much in the long term. Oh, was he being addressed now? Kaeru looked towards Mika as Nyoko laid her head on his shoulder, having managed to squeeze herself on the other side of him. "Ah? Ehe, you're goddamn right I'm cute." Kaeru responded playfully to Mika with a cheeky grin, pointing to himself. "Kaeru, this is Nyoko." The Nekomata nodded in agreement with Kaeru, it seemed. "Nice to meet ya both. No need to be all formal with us either, Kaeru and Nyoko is fine." Another nod from Nyoko who was looking rather intently at Kyozan. "...Although I think Nyoko is still sore about you not covering for her, ahaha." "Am not." "You totally are." "...maybe a little..." It was about the time they'd finish their conversation they'd find themselves at the park, Nyoko leaping out of the van and stretching her legs, having not really cared too much for the cramped space. Kaeru would follow shortly after watching the people fleeing the scene and the succubus setting to work acting to guide the people away from the grudges. He was a little disappointed he couldn't engage completely, but at the same time, well, it was likely they wanted to see what the newcomers were capable of and gauge their abilities. "Ehe, sorry Sato." Kaeru chuckled. "Nyoko was interested in these guys and well, we both wanted to meet 'em a bit." He'd respond with a chuckle. "Don't worry, we won't get in the way." He glanced over to Kyozan. "...try not to cut loose too much though, big guy. Nyoko, wanna get ready?" The Nekomata nodded, giving a thumbs up and running off towards the park. "Ah, just a thing - if you two see any undead it'll be fiiiine. They're not the bad guys. Toodles!" With those parting words, Kaeru took off after his partner. There was a non-zero chance the two were probably going to attempt some sort of shenanigans with the new comers.