Zara listened to him speak about his sister, hoping that she was indeed as accepting as he claimed she was. Not many people would think twice about aiding someone running from a powerful gang like the Diamond Backs. It usually got them killed, so it wasn't a chosen position to be in. Her mind was starting to wander a bit when he asked her a question. What was the question? Crap, why did she have to be daydreaming then? The look of shock written all over her face as she tried to figure out what he had asked her. "Oh uh.. Georgetown. They were setting up a decent settlement there from what I can remember. Though I'm not sure what happened to it after the Diamond Backs tore through it. I suppose not very much is left standing." She commented a bit after her mind caught up to what he had asked. That was the right question right? He had asked her where she had been before her capture. Of course it was, it had to be right? She sipped at her drink while looking over to Issac, her heart racing in her ears. "We don't have to go back there though, I doubt my parents are still there. I'd rather not go and find out they had been slaughtered or something. So carrying on to see your sister would be a good start. Put as much ground between us and them." A soft nod of her head indicated she made up her mind about where to go.