[color=a9a9a9][center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjYwLmNkNDg0ZS5UR0Z0WW5NZ2RHOGdkR2hsSUZOc1lYVm5hSFJsY2cuMA/wushin.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wAzTxPI.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjYwLmNkNDg0ZC5VR0Z5ZENBeU9pQlRhR1ZsY0NkeklFTnNiM1JvYVc1bi4w/good-friend.regular.webp[/img] [youtube]https://youtu.be/KT1pKdbHjvY[/youtube][/center] [hr][hr] [h2][b]Velles 5th[/b][/h2] [b]Location:[/b] The Cathedral Square [b]Day of the week:[/b] Taldes [b]Time:[/b] 5:30 HE [b]Characters:[/b] Brother Wolf, Silas [@Tackytaff] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjYwLjdiY2RjOC5TU0JUWldVZ1dXOTEuMA/good-friend.regular.webp[/img][/center] The Cathedral Square was always a quiet district at the later hours of the day, and yet was one of the only places left open in Ersand’Enise that wasn’t a Tavern deep into the hours of Ipte. A sanctuary for all - That’s what the house of the Pentad was known for, and during the trials it served as a makeshift home for the envoys of the Holy Sees. In truth, they likely would not have denied hospitality to other teams in need, but the presence of two particularly intimidating groups inhabiting the otherwise relatively ascetic establishment left little to be desired next to the accommodations made by the Academy. Silas had a unique talent that made positioning a luxury he could easily afford. The walls of the Cathedral wouldn’t hold many secrets from him, although the details of those within the confines of the building remained an abstract notion to him as was the colour of the walls right before him. He counted eight people, with three of them sleeping in distinct rooms in the upper floors of the Cathedral. One sat before a desk and busied themselves with scripture and one was content with sitting on a pew at the base floor. Two were also lying down on the roof of the holy building, their attention directed to the heavens - maybe they were sleeping too. A final one was pacing the halls whilst holding what appeared to be a candle. It was all rather drab for a good twenty minutes. But then the young Icevein would feel a general numbness course throughout his body. It was like a flash, as if he had fallen asleep standing up but instantly woke up. He felt refreshed the same way one would feel after a power nap. Time did not appear to have passed, though, as the leaves being blown by the warm, Dorrad wind were still making their way from one bench to another. Maybe the Dragon had exhausted him a little too much? And then suddenly he realised: There were only seven accounted for in the Cathedral. The one sitting on the pew had vanished completely. Looking around him, Silas would only see more silhouettes in different buildings and the occasional passerby. Then, he felt yet another numbness - a disconnect from the world around him. [color=F0F0E6]“Good evening.”[/color] a masculine voice called to Silas’ right. It came from a tall silhouette that slowly approached him from the intersection behind the Cathedral, [color=F0F0E6]“Have you found what you were looking for, young Powergazer?”[/color] he entered the light cast by a nearby lamp. Arms behind his back and his attire unchanged since the trials. Silas’ blessed sight wavered ever so slightly, and only for a brief moment, as he distinguished the form and voice of the individual. He was smiling. It was him. The man on the paper. The Dread Priest himself. [hr][hr] [h2][b]Velles 5th[/b][/h2] [b]Location:[/b] Merchant Dormitories [b]Day of the week:[/b] Taldes [b]Time:[/b] 5:30 HE [b]Characters:[/b] Brother Lamb [@Force and Fury], Colin the Mobster, Desmond [@Th3King0fChaos], Trypano [@A Lowly Wretch] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjcyLmZhZjBlNi5VRzkxYm1RZ2IyWWdSbXhsYzJnLjE/avita.black.webp[/img][/center] The initial group separated, whether to get a bigger cut of the prize or to cover more grounds, it was hard to say with the specimens that would take this sort of clandestine job. Silas headed West for the Cathedral, while Desmond suggested East toward the Merchant Dormitories. He was accompanied by the prodigious scholar Trypano in this nightly search for the patrolling priest. The gunslinger’s status as a lamplighter would certainly help in the unlikely circumstance they would be caught outside during curfew. Although, even as the hours of Dami were drawing near, the streets still had quite a bit of traffic, many of which were foreigners visiting for the trials. Both had to keep their eyes peeled, as it would be easy for a trained envoy of the Church to vanish in such crowds and narrow alleys, especially with what Desmond had witnessed it was clear that Brother Lamb was no pushover. Luckily for them, the herd of people milling about in the streets was growing thinner, allowing for them to get a glimpse of a piously dressed man looking up at one of the dormitories. He was just standing there, fixated. Before the duo could do anything or get made by their odd target, a trio of men stood in their way. The one in the middle, an average-sized older man with a severely balding hairline, had his hands in his pockets whilst grinning at the sight of Desmond in particular. The other two were burly men with the hygiene one would expect from a mudville goon, both of which held metal pipes with one tapping his palm with the end of the weapon, [color=959539]“Ah, there y’are! Almost thought you’d skip town with all ‘em winnins’, Desmond.”[/color] he spat down toward the Magusyaeger’s boot, [color=959539]“Now’s time to pay, or my boys here will be takin’ our rightful pound o’flesh. Get me?”[/color] he tilted his head while giving the teen the stink eye. [color=blue]”Hey, Colin, that’s the bet guy?”[/color] called out one of the nearby shop owners. [color=959539]“That’s ‘em, Aster.”[/color] the business owner grimaced in anger as he came in to join the growing mob. Word spread quickly, and now Desmond was made to realise that the Zeno Bucks fight had taken place around this area. Some students emerged too, most shrewd merchant kids that wanted their rightfully earned winnings. Before long, they would be surrounded, with a few definitely capable with the gift, [color=959539]“Now, Desmond, give us the dough or we start by makin’ the big bitch squeal, yeah?”[/color] he nodded in the direction of Trypano. Something bad was about to happen. They did not seem like the type to take any excuses as a valid defence for not getting one’s face bashed in. But just as an inevitable escalation was about to occur, a voice called out that appeased the tension. [color=FAF0E6]“Enough.”[/color] Brother Lamb stood tall behind Colin the mobster, [color=959539]“Who d’you think you are, bu-”[/color] he froze. Even the locals knew who the hounds of the Holy See were. Colin swallowed his words and piped down. [color=FAF0E6]“This is a matter that falls onto the duties of the Lindrian Order.”[/color] he stated calmly while stepping closer to the circled duo. The growing mob stepped aside to let the Dread Priest pass, [color=FAF0E6]“Please, return to your homes.”[/color] Lamb turned his head to address the general populace with a patient smile on his face, [color=FAF0E6]“I will make sure the aggrieved parties are properly compensated.”[/color] and the people complied with the head mobster leading the rabble by stepping away, [color=FAF0E6]“Reshta favour you all.”[/color] Brother Lamb then looked down at Desmond with adamant and cold eyes, [color=FAF0E6]“Desmond Catulus. You are hereby ordered by the Lindrian Order and the Holy See of Varennes to surrender the earnings of those who participated in your bookkeeping services.”[/color] he ordered whilst giving Trypano a singular side glance when he finished, [color=FAF0E6]“As well as pay a fine of eight incantors.”[/color][/color] [hider=Action Opportunities] [b]For Silas:[/b] He is currently being accosted by Brother Wolf, having somehow bypassed his Powergazer vision and is likely not going to let him weasel out. The tensions aren’t high, however, with Wolf appearing somewhat casual, even friendly. [b]For Desmond and Trypano:[/b] The mob has cleared, but a bigger threat is afoot. Brother Lamb is demanding Desmond’s debt to be paid. How this is handled is completely up to the players, from cheesing it, to paying it back, to trying and steer the conversation toward their own objective. The next sequence will be done live for a more dynamic exchange. No hard deadline for now, but I will keep everyone informed in the Discord. Happy posting![/hider]