[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BjtZNtv.png[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]Location[/color]: Hdur, Kindeance. [@Eviledd1984][@A5G] [hr] “[color=00a651][b]You may speak here, there are only trusted ears inside this inn.[/b][/color]” [color=ed1c24]"Even the-?"[/color] Veronica's eyes darted to the four unknowns in the room, but at Matilda's seemingly confident assurances, her narrowed pupils reluctantly relaxed back into more almond-shaped slits. As long as they spoke lowly, hopefully, they should go unheard by the prying ears of the wrong sort. While Veronica would have vastly preferred to take this conversation to a secluded room, just to be sure, she relented nonetheless and made no further pursuit of the matter. [color=ed1c24]"Very well."[/color] That she simply trusted Matilda's judgement went unsaid. Sighing, Veronica briefly ran a hand down her face, brow pinched. [color=ed1c24]"Then let me be thoroughly candid. I can think of no kinder way to put it, but Ser Henri has committed what can only be deemed as treason against the Crown. In this dire time of national need, with the safety of the Prince and the kingdom at large in the balance and a war brewing on the horizon, the Royal Tutor has gone explicitly against the mission statement and our King's direct orders and compromised us and likely the Prince's safety."[/color] Her expression darkened, one hand falling to grip a sheathed sai tightly. [color=ed1c24]"Were it not for his prior record of loyalty as the Royal Tutor, I've little doubt that my orders would be to execute him where he stood."[/color] Her dangerously level tone spoke that the idea still wasn't completely off the table if the Royal Tutor refused to come anything less than quietly. Drawing in a calming -if technically unnecessary- breath of air, Veronica shook her head. [color=ed1c24]"That said, it's not all misfortune, thank the stars."[/color] Smiling, this time with bared teeth and a glint of impending retribution in her ruby eyes, Veronica reached into her pack slid out a small scroll case. [color=ed1c24]"I didn't have time to corroborate with other scrying practitioners, given the situation, however, I do believe my own independent investigations have borne fruit."[/color] She drew out and unrolled a small, regional map, tucking the case under her armpit. She spoke in a lower tone, just to be certain. [color=ed1c24]"But after much trial and error, I'm confident in my results. I was hoping to be able to corroborate with your own end of the investigation, but it's my belief that we have located the Prince."[/color] Upon the regional map, she had scrawled in pencil several marks in a roughly circular radius. Haphazard additional markings dotted the interior of that circle. [color=ed1c24]"His location is warded, but..."[/color] She grinned viciously. [color=ed1c24]"That just meant I needed a few extra catalysts than normal."[/color]