Hey there, perverted meat-sacks, welcome to this unit's smutty 1x1 thread. This will, of course, be a thread for mature roleplays, so should that not interest you, you should take this opportunity to retreat whilst you still can. For those of you who have no problem with the naughties, WELCOME! <3 Right so first let's go through a few little rules. 1) You must be 18 years of age or older to engage in this rp with me. 2) All interaction will be in PMs. 3) We'll be splitting the IC and OOC into separate PM threads. 4) Try to keep the quality of your posts at around 2 or 3 paragraphs. 5) Please ensure your posts are as free of spelling errors as possible. 6) Fair warning, impregnation will be a heavy theme in this. There will also be a bit of incest.[hr][hr][center][h3][color=f7941d]Setting[/color][/h3][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fh3gyN8akAAF_jE?format=png&name=900x900[/img] [i]Unemployed and searching for direction in your life, or at least something to keep you busy for a while, you receive a sudden call one day. Your Grandfather, who runs a hot-spring in a small rural town has been forced to take time off from managing the spring due to a medical emergency and needs his favourite, and only, grandson to come take over for a few months. Your Aunt, the town's local doctor, has even offered to let you stay at her place while you're running things for your pa. And so with nothing else to do, and since family comes first, you find yourself packing up your bags and on a train ride out to Haramase Village, a small country town where an aging population and lack of male births has resulted in almost every resident under the age of 40 being a woman, and since you're already helping out your granddad, you might as well help out all those lonely ladies while you're at it.[/i][/center][hr][hr]