"I... you... that's..." the elf replied, struggling for words for some reason... although from the embarrassed look on their face, that was more to do with Cecilia's flirtatious comment than hero worship. "My name is Ithainne," said the spider lady, a slight blush gracing her cheeks as she returned a polite smile, "I do not think we can dance? I do not... know how?" Frowning, she turned to the elf and exchanged a few sentences in an [i]extremely[/i] unfamiliar language. "How to dance with humanoids. You are too small. We move differently." The sudden name outburst got the other elf looking over her shoulder curiously, although it was the uniform-wearing one that responded first, pointing a finger at their own face. "Me? Not quite, that's Mum. I'm Lilia." Well, at least that answered the question; that was a girl's name.